Responses from hickamore
Why do you think Bi-Wiring improves the sound ? I bi-wire because the speakers are so designed & mfr encourages & already had the wires from last setup. Adding a second pair of binding posts just to enable bi-wiring strikes me as nutty, as others have said. Nobody thinks bi-wiring is h... | |
Schiit Freya+(Plus) Thank you for an excellent idea. Will find a suitable test recording handy on both LP and CD, plus streamable from Tidal. (CD runs COAX into DAC rather than RCA into Freya -- a test within a test). Given any takeaways I can then experiment with NO... | |
Schiit Freya+(Plus) wolf_garcia, are your good results irrespective of input source (DAC or analog)? Tubes give me great improvement with DAC input, but sound overdramatic with phono & tuner inputs. | |
Schiit Freya+(Plus) needlebrush, what upgrades are you considering?I was enroute to Rogue RP-7 when waylaid by this intriguing budgetalternative. | |
Older And Wiser or just Tighter and Deafer? aewarren, same here. The stranger thing is that when I tweak or upgrade the system, and then remember to listen with hearing aids, it gets better still. The upside of older and wiser is that we literally never know what we are missing. We ARE miss... | |
iPad directly into Amp - okay idea? or bad idea? DAC definitely needed. Dragonfly Red a good choice for this modest setup. (Q: why is it that few if any in this forum, or any others in my experience, can spell the word "lightning," as in "a bolt of?" The word "lightening" means "getting lighter"... | |
RIP Art Dudley Another irreplaceable. Only HP could be a greater loss. Immortals all the same. | |
Considering A SS amplifier neonknight with that configuration, maybe you need a new house more than you need a new amp? | |
10 Audio Cable Myths and Facts Duly embraided! | |
Review of Legacy Audio Signature SE and dealer Audio Doctor Room arrangement doesn't allow much flexibility, but will definitely check out DB Meter and see what I learn. Have also thought of wall baffles, but for that I will need expert help. Thanx for the tip, nite! | |
OMG, just removed my speaker grills and the sound just opened up to a new level! Well, sounds like this topic is due for removal like another, couple days back. Someone must have blown a whistle. Speaker grilles: just learning from others, nothing insightful to add.Pending removal, the difficulty of parody is a two-way street... | |
Schiit Freya S or Freya +? Great grandmother Effortless Grace -- LOL! | |
Is it all worth it? Uber,thanks.Used market hadn't occurred to me. Will go shopping. Overture won't respond to my emails anyhow. You'd think, with a name like that . . . | |
Is it all worth it? Uber, how do you have under $3k in Aurender + good DAC?Which Aurender and which DAC?Thanks. | |
How will the COVID-19 pandemic affect sites like Audiogon? Agon is prime reading. Thanks to all commentators. Just here to learn. |