Responses from in_shore
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them? My very first thoughts trying Teos GC II was these cables were such a departure from the audio cable industry norm I had to have more .That short experience immediately led me to purchasing the Kronon ,...Now if someone asked me to describe what I... | |
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them? The mighty Kronos was delivered earlier today which pushed all my important to do stuff over to tomorrow,...My ,my..... | |
PS Audio Direct Stream Memory Player I had also ordered other cables along with HDMI , this hobby seems to revolve around waiting , | |
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them? I should be more specific and clear about the comparison results , Teos GC II out performed Morrowaudio MA-7 and CTs Damping Squared interconnects,.Good move Tuffy & Wig , we’re going to have to compare notes ,. | |
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them? Hi t-Ramey, My comparisons were using CTs Damping Squared , MorrowAudio MA- 7 and Teos GC II , whatever worked best would stay however I just traded in GC II on Teos Kronon ,. | |
PS Audio Direct Stream Memory Player I don’t stack mine either and I put those StillPoints everywhere ,.WireWorld have finally shipped my cables , Jeesh ,.. | |
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them? gwng8 Yes directly , I received a full refund for the Damping Squared ,. | |
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them? My GC II have settled in with constant playback from last week and THEY ARE SENSATIONAL ! '........I apologize for shouting Now I have a far better idea what my playback components are really capable of including how great many recordings truly a... | |
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them? Taras22 Im interested in your interconnect line up , as I understand your basic interconnect is the Game Changer II then the Ultra ? next the Splash and your flagship Kronon ,.So three new interconnects GCII , ultra and Kronon , are there plans fo... | |
Conditioning/Burn-In Method Well something is happening during run in of some new cables at least this is my own listening perception and how can anyone measure perception. . ? ridiculous though deniers will go out of thier minds demanding measured scientific evidence as the... | |
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them? Exceptional job Teo Audio ,.! t-Ramey I do not have any of thier other interconnects or speaker wire this is my very first experience with Teos interconnects.Right off the bat I was taken by low level resolution that grabbed my attention to things... | |
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them? A couple of hours ago I took delivery of Teo Audio GC 2 ,.,...Cold out of the box ,...Wow more later | |
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them? Anyone here bought the GC ll yet ? | |
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them? Taras22 thank you for your reply , the price of the Kronon is more then I want to spend on interconnects However I will be trying out the Splash silver & copper in the next few weeks ,. | |
New TEO Audio ICs, who has them? I wonder if the Splash model will see a revision,.? |