
Responses from inna

Voice. Most powerful and natural instrument.
And in the future life?What kind of system would one need to reproduce blue whale's singing realistically, I wonder?Anyway, it appears that everyone more or less agrees with my original statement about human voice. 
Voice. Most powerful and natural instrument.
124db is incredible. And what about blue whales? 
advantage of seperates vs integrated
If I were you I would first either add a power amp to your integrated or get better integrated; Rowland would most likely be my choice but not easy to find.However, there is no substitute for really good separates.Just don't compare Rowland integr... 
Voice. Most powerful and natural instrument.
Yes, it is capable, ask Elizabeth. 
Voice. Most powerful and natural instrument.
There is a legend, or truth, that one very famous Russian opera singer could break a crystal glass with his voice. In any case, he is considered to have had the most powerful voice of all singers of that time. 
Lamm ML1.1 - enough power for Sonus Faber Cremona?
This is bullsh*t, I know, but my gut tells me that SF and LAMM would not be a good match and not because of power, impedance curve etc. Having said that, LAMM will drive most speakers, question is how well. 
Voice. Most powerful and natural instrument.
I don't like Domingo's voice, older Carreras's is much more appealing to me. 
Cables for interconnect and speakers?
Of what I heard Purist Audio cables do it right for me. I am not familiar with Stealth Audio, but Stealth and Jorma are supposed to be among the very best too. 
Voice. Most powerful and natural instrument.
Emotionally, of course. You can do rhythm with it quite good too. 
Cables for interconnect and speakers?
I didn't say $2k cartridge, I said much better table. And much better cables. You just deprive yourself of the best sound your system is capable of. That's all. 
Cables for interconnect and speakers?
Yes, Elizabeth, it's just you. You have no idea what your system is capable of. Besides, I remember you said you'd bought the Brystons mostly because of the warranty, and also to have two tables instead of one of a much higher level is an interest... 
what speakers demand high end electronics
This is a complicated question. I would never choose speakers that sounded really well with only very expensive electronics unless I had unlimited funds. On the other hand, I would not expect much from any speakers driven by $1k amp and weak sourc... 
Nottingham Spacearm rewiring
Thank you. So I won't do it; I have no intention of swapping cartridges. 
How far apart do you position your speakers ?
Also, I don't know about you but I don't have a fixed listening point; I move it depending on the recording, volume, mood etc. 
Will a good power cable replace the need for a PC?
In fact it cost less than one Purist Audio Dominus power cord! But no Ferox. Well, you can never have everything.