Responses from jafox
CAT Ultimate/Tube rolling Hey good report here. I think the results are another example as to the importance to try different tubes on our own components in our own system. And this is what makes it possible to tune a system to our own liking.Last week, during a power cabl... | |
Audio Research Reference CD-7 I think Jond's response is a bit harsh here. I would not say that "CD-7" is very original whether company A is first to use it or not. I am surprised that ARC did not name this product the CD7 to be more inline with it's CD#, LS#, PH#, D#, V#, VT#... | |
CAT Ultimate/Tube rolling I guess we need a new term UOS for used old stock!Hey Bombay - any news on the Mullard 12ax7? | |
Tube replacement on Aesthetix Rhea Hello,I run with the Callisto and Io and for the longest time, I was not using matched pairs of 12ax7's or 6922's. The problem I have had with Tele 12ax7's is that none of the ones that have crossed my path work well (read: ultra low noise) on the... | |
Audio Research PH3 service, upgrades The PH3 is not that old of a model. It sold for $1500 nine or so years ago and typically sells for $700-800 now. Other than playing with a couple different tubes, this unit should be mighty fine. I have really come to like the Mullard 6922 and 12A... | |
Supratek Cabernet vs Aesthetix Callisto Sig? Mem916, I know of no problems concerning the tonearm wires on the Versa 2. In a few months, I will have my Versa completely overhauled by a long time Versa ownere. I will ask then if there is value to changing the leads. When this is done, I can l... | |
What is Audio Researches best preamp period GMorris: I heard the LS2 vs. the LS5 at an ARC dealer in SaltLakeCity. This was right after a weekend home trial of the SonicFrontiers SFL-2 over that year's Memorial Day weekend. I remember this time well as I was having a most difficult time fin... | |
Supratek Cabernet vs Aesthetix Callisto Sig? Oh well, I guess I will chime in and yada yada yada a bit. I own a Callisto Sig and these are really tough to find unless you're willing to buy a new unit. The Cabernet seems to be a little more available here but still not so many on the used mar... | |
What is Audio Researches best preamp period Hi Tom, good to hear you're still enjoying the LS5. It is indeed a unit that we hold onto for a long time as it takes a serious expenditure to get the next level of refinements in a line stage.Just for clarification here, I don't think I ever felt... | |
What is Audio Researches best preamp period Bbaxley2: What are you specifically looking for here that is lacking in the LS3? Anyone's "best" is always a subjective rating.I too don't put much weight on a sweeping generality about all the products of a company. Wc65mustang: Why not share wit... | |
CAT Preamps vs Amps Bombaywalla: I recently got a batch of Tele 12AX7's and with the help of a tube tester, I was able to match (by output signal strength) several pairs for my Aesthetix gear. I still have several of these left. If your short on a budget but would li... | |
Tube Comparisons on VTL 7.5 I too was unaware you could simply swap 12AU7's and 12AX7's but I have not tried this in my Aesthetix Callisto and Io components....I stay with 12AX7's.Over the last few months, I have tried many 12AX7s from Telefunken, Mullard and Amperex over th... | |
Need advice on my Parasound JC 1 Hmmm, I thought SS amps were supposed to be maintenance free. Now I don't feel so alone with constantly tweaking the bias pots on the CAT amps. 8-) | |
Whose sorry now? Sellers remorse from selling amp. The ARC VT130 was the only amp I sold that I quickly had major regrets. I have not heard another amp that has that level of musicality for under $4k on the used market. I have since moved onto Wolcott and CAT mono amps, which have a number of refi... | |
What do you think of my 25 laws of audio There's too much focus here on big and power and not the real magic in the music that so few audio systems out there are able to portray. Interesting as I too only see a hint of validity to #9 and perhaps in #24 but "wonder" rather than "convince"... |