Responses from jafox
popping from speakers? A good rule to follow is to turn ON source and preamp first, let them settle a minute or so and then turn on the amp. When it is time to power OFF the system, turn the amp off first, let it settle down and then turn off preamp and sources. | |
A Little Help, Talon Raven C's: Are They Keepers? Hello,I have owned a pair of the Khorus and Peregrine for almost 3 years now and they continue to impress me. They now are part of my HT setup. I suspect the Ravens have much the same characters of these other two Talon products.Initially I bought... | |
CAT SL-1 Ultim. Mk2 vs Manley Steel. for CAT JL-2 The issue of "best possible" is something that we all ultimately chase but such success comes with a lot of experimentation, personal choice and compromise. And once we feel we have this, along comes another "best" component to make us no longer c... | |
Need recommendation for a dark sound interconnects Cardas Golden Cross. | |
Review: Balanced Audio VK P10 SE w/ Super Pak Tube preamp Wow, you've really been a devoted BAT owner with staying current on all their product refinements. I too thought very highly of the P10 which I owned for about year and the 31SE which I had for 2+ years. The value of these BAT products always impr... | |
Aesthetix Calypso vs ARC LS25 MK2 Husk: Keep in mind I don't own the Calypso but rather the Callisto Sig and Io. Check my thread from a few months ago on the tubes I tried with the Callisto here.It's anybody's guess if what worked so well with the Jupiter models will do the same f... | |
Aesthetix Calypso vs ARC LS25 MK2 Wow, it's great to hear how happy you are with your purchase. Sounds like you will own this for quite a long time. | |
VAC Ren II, VAC Phi, or ARC Ref 3? As for "nominal" ARC upgrade costs, for the most part, these have been much more expensive than I would classify as nominal. It almost always makes more sense to sell your older ARC unit and buy the later version on the used market. ARC does have ... | |
Aesthetix Calypso vs ARC LS25 MK2 Perfectionist: Thanks for the update. It's nice to read your honest experiences between the two products. I too can relate to how difficult it can be to ultimately give the nod to one component vs. another when they each have their own strengths. ... | |
Solid state "backup" amp recommendation I have to disagree with Marakanetz. I have owned ARC CL150 and Wolcott monos as well as ARC CL60 and VT130 stereo amps, and the Counterpoint affects the room temperature very minimally compared to these. | |
Solid state "backup" amp recommendation "However if you have an extremely difficult load you're stuck with solid state or digital."The CAT JL amps are neither solid state nor digital and they drive difficult loads incredibly well. Unfortunately they can increase the room temp by 5-8 deg... | |
Power Conditioner to the rescue Trelja: Thanks for your support here. It's pretty tough to share such experiences without going overboard with the details. Too much information can turn the report into a novel which quickly becomes boring. But for A'gon members like yourself whe... | |
Audio Research LS-22 or LS-16 Which is Best Rsa: The LS2, LS15, LS16 and LS22 all pretty much equally destroy the 3-dimensionality and portrayal of space in the music. Try the LS5 (in any version) compared to your LS2. This experience would easily redefine "smoked it". | |
Audio Research LS-22 or LS-16 Which is Best Well done Ken! | |
Aesthetix Calypso vs ARC LS25 MK2 Right on Perfectionist. I am eager to hear how it all falls into place for you.JD: Are you willing to share your new cables with us less fortunate cable owners? 8-) If I bring over the Callisto to hear how it works with your new fancy-pants cables... |