
Responses from jafox

Trade-off between soundstage vs. PRAT
Please define the following:PaceRhythmTimingSeems like only UK products ever get credit for these attributes. 
Pass X600 or VTL 450 Mono's for Magnepan
I have not heard of VTL amps taking out power resistors when tubes fail, but this was clearly the case with an ARC VT130 amp I had. This was quite a hassle on more than one time but this amp was a wonderful sonic match with my Maggie 3.3s ...unfor... 
Great tube DAC's with volume control?
FYI: The Manley Ref DAC has a 23-position level control. 
Great tube DAC's with volume control?
Hello,I have the Manley Ref DAC and just love it. The unit is beautifully assembld. So many DACs went through my system until I knew the Manley would be there for quite a long time. It is a very difficult piece to find but in the $3000-3500 range ... 
Review: Magnepan MG-3.6r Speaker
Wow, nice review. You clearly put a lot of time and experimentation to achieve such great results.I have owned Maggie 3.3 and now 3.5 for about 5 years now and like you, I tried many amps. The ARC VT130 was an awesome sonic match but just did not ... 
Review: Convergent Audio JL-2 Tube amp
Nice to hear how happy you are with your new amps. For so many of us who lived with solid state at the start, and then heard the magic of tubes, there is no going back no matter how much hassle they can be. It took me several years to find a tube ... 
autoswitching dac?
Hello,I think the Genesis Digital Time Lens might work this way too. It has an input for virtually every digital signal (Glass, BNC, AES/EBU, etc) and multiple outputs too. I am thinking it checks the inputs in a certain order and then uses the fi... 
bat vk 3i vs arc ls2b
You need to tell people what attributes/qualities/sonics you seek here. At this price, there will be compromises in many places. And what is missing with yoru current line stage? And why have you singled out these two models vs. others? "Better" f... 
Best 70+wattt tube amp under $2000 suggestions?
Hello,Great suggestions from Steveaudio. I would throw in the ARC VT130 to consider if you see yourself going into the ARC line. Right when the VT100 II came out, I listened to this and the VT130 at a local ARC dealer and they each had their stren... 
Counterpoint NPM monoblocs
Hello,I have a late model Counterpoint NPS400 (Fidelis model) amp that was upgraded by Michael Elliot 2 years ago. The NPM's are from the same period as the NPS400 so I have to believe the sonic qualities here are mighty close.After trying ARC VT1... 
Any experience with unbalanced channels--7B-ST?
Easiest way to eliminate the speakers is to swap the amps to each drive the other speaker. Depending on where the "problem" goes, you will know if it is a speaker or one of the amps. Did you also check to make sure the Midrange and/or Tweeter fuse... 
What needs to go?
Hello,I use the B&K 50 in my HT system and it does mighty well. It does not have the magical 3-dimensioanlity of my BAT 31SE, but then again, what SS preamp does? The 50 is not at all fatiguing, but has a subtractive nature to it which is very... 
audio research sp-10
Hey Hey Synthgirl,If you have not had much success to find tubes, perhaps you can call Michael Elliot, the designer of Counterpoint gear. Go to www.altavistaaudio.com and click on "Replacement Tubes" on the left side of the page. Then scroll down ... 
which auduo research pre?
I can't believe all the praise on the LS2xxx. There are enough people who have owned this, and even upgraded it, paid a lot of money for all this only to learn that a stock LS5 in any version destroys the LS2. Without having heard direct compariso... 
audio research sp-10
Wow! I think synthgirl is absorbing a lot of ideas here is a very short time. It was never my intention to put any negative spin on the SP-10. Afterall I owned it for 8 years so that has to tell you how much I liked this product. I was only trying...