Responses from jafox
Audio Research pre amp question Yes, the LS5 is the only preamp (line stage) in ARC history other than the PH2 phono stage, that has ONLY balanced inputs and outputs. Both of these models were the first to have truly matched balanced circuits in the ARC line. Models like the LS2... | |
Audio Research pre amp question Very good advice from Rcprince. The LS5 has the musical magic, harmonic richness, natural decays, etc., that no other LS series before it ever had. And the LS15, LS22 did not have it either. I suspect the LS16 is the same way as it was a tweaked 1... | |
Tonearm Cable Upgrade for Linn ITTOK DIN cable Hello,Try the SilverAudio SilverBreeze tonearm cable. This brings on a level of information the Linn cable was not even close to. And no, it does not make for a bright or analytical presentation. I made this change several years ago and have since... | |
What can i do to make my tube preamp sound warmer? Hello,I have gone through many interconnects and have learned that a good balance of silver and non-silver is the way to go. SilverAudio makes a great line of cables but I found my system fully loaded with these was indeed too forward and analytic... | |
What happened? Hmmmm, "stupid enough"? Isn't that a bit harsh? It looks like Romy did not read the posting very well here. Since the LP sound changed for the worse even though the CD sound was unchanged, the focus should be of course on the TT/Arm/Cartridge/Phon... | |
Maggies on my mind. I am a Maggie diehard here. These do harmonic richness and 3D presentations like no others I have yet heard....but I do hope to hear all the talk about Avalons and Kharmas some day. As we all know, the Maggies, at least the 3 series, require a goo... | |
The finest technically recorded album. LP or CD I second Egoss on Amused to Death.....wow! Waters does it like no other in the rock world. | |
Amp blowing fuses Hold on here Marakanetz.........not so fast! He said the problem went away when he switched interconnects. Did the fuse blowing problem return when the questionable interconnects were put back? Did the other channel of the amp or other mono amp fu... | |
get vinyl rig or audio aero capital Shame on you Brian!!! 8-) An Io Signature owner recommending digital. But Brian does have some good points on the Linn. I owned one for 18 years and then moved up to a Clearaudio Ref. I did not have the experiences like the comparison to the SME t... | |
Budget balanced IC recommendations Hello,I have "stepped up" a few times the last few years with XLR ICs. Currently I use NBS Statement which are ridiculously expensive but at 20-25% retail cost...when I found them, they were a huge improvement to my system over the already excelle... | |
get vinyl rig or audio aero capital Tom,You have a pretty good CD based source, a very fine line stage, even with only 300 LPs, I think it makes sense to seek a decent LP source. An old used Denon is not the ticket based on the rest of your system. The ARC PH2 is an awesome phono st... | |
Help to repair CAT JL1 monoamp? I noticed that Audiogo member and dealer JTinn has a pair of these for sale so perhaps he can be of help to you. He is a heck of a nice guy to talk to. | |
SPeakers 90% of your sound I too am very much a source kinda guy and yet I find that I have prefered a wide range of components in every link of the chain except preamps......so few seem to bring on the musicality that I have enjoyed over the years. Once this is right, I th... | |
considering re-entry to vinyl Linn 12 Hello Tom,Long time LS5 fan here as you know. The ARC PH2, the only balanced ARC phono stage, was excellent. I had one for 7 years and it is perhaps the one ARC piece that people heard very little about but which held its own to rest of ARC's top ... | |
Tube Amp under $3000 for top end? My all time favorite amp is the ARC VT130. These are often for sale at $1500-1800 and at 110wpc. They are more than enough for the top end of all but the most inefficient speakers. Unfortunately I sold mine a couple years ago as it was not enough ... |