
Responses from james633

Active Speakers Don't Sound Better
So how did you go about correcting for non linearity in the drivers? Do you use PEQs in the amps or external software etc.   
Comparison of various subwoofers for 2 channel audio
How is the bass in the main listening position? Most rooms only need two subs for even bass optimized for a single seat. More is always better but may not be need.   Far more important is how are you going to control 4 subs? Are you going to cro... 
Crossovers and power handling, and why 1st order filters can be bad
Very nice and I agree.   I have owned both 1st order (Thiel) and 4th order (Revel) speakers at the same time. The Revel played far louder and I found the time alinement of the Thiel eligible in real world application. Played at lower typical vol... 
JTR RS1s (18” sealed subs) vs JL Audio E112s, (JBL 4367)
Mijostyn,   I have followed your system over the years and it has always looked impressive, I am sure it sounds amazing.    SHD studio is an interesting idea. It would also allow for Dirac on the source side.    I ordered a few more cards for ... 
JTR RS1s (18” sealed subs) vs JL Audio E112s, (JBL 4367)
m-db The only built in frequency adjustment on the sub is a manual low effect control adjusted by a knob. It adjust the slope from 40hz-10hz by about 8dB and has a surprising large effect on the sound. Audioholics discusses it in their review lin... 
Cornwall IV vs. Volti Rival, Razz; Razz v. 1, 2, 3 -- what changed?
Silverfox,   Home theater bypass is very easy. You can send the left and right pre-outs from your receiver/processor to any analogue input on your two channel pre-amp. Just set the volume knob at a consistent place when using it for movies. If y... 
JTR RS1s (18” sealed subs) vs JL Audio E112s, (JBL 4367)
On a side note I will try some higher crossover points soon. I need to order cards (only $12) for the K235 as it does not have a variable adjustment. I “knew” roughly where I wanted to start playing in my system from past experience. I sometimes ... 
JTR RS1s (18” sealed subs) vs JL Audio E112s, (JBL 4367)
Phusis, Seem like good insight on your comments above. I also set up the subs a few different ways before settling on the K235 crossover. #1 I used my surround processor (Marantz) to crossover, time align the subs with my mains. I tried a numbe... 
Mofi Sourcepoint 888?
Midrange glare is the worst trait in a speaker. It will be interesting to hear opinions with other front ends.   
JTR RS1s (18” sealed subs) vs JL Audio E112s, (JBL 4367)
Yeah I guess they are expensive but they seemed like a good buy in their market. The E112 in gloss is $2700 now and a fair enough price comparison. The trade off is the JTRs are ugly beasts lol   other subs I looked at: JBL SUB18, $3800 without ... 
Mofi Sourcepoint 888?
They look like a total steal at the current price. I would imagine a line is forming. I think the crossover to the woofer is 120hz so it would almost be like adding a small sub to the source point 8. Might be a waste of money however if someone i... 
Martin Logan 13A's with Rel subs? A match?
I don’t have time to write a comprehensive review at the time. Below is a pretty good video. I have/own the JTR RS1s and JL E112s mentioned in this video and I pretty much agree with what is said about them   The JTR is more detailed and less dam... 
Martin Logan 13A's with Rel subs? A match?
I would guess they would make it worse. Adding an active or passive highpass and using a really good sub would do the trick. Honestly that might not be rel. I would look at large subs (15” or more). With as low as your speakes go you will really n... 
Martin Logan 13A's with Rel subs? A match?
I am confused, am I correct in thinking the Logan 13A has room correction in their powered subs and go down to 24hz? I bet they go as low or lower than most of the rels minutes top few models.   
Double up on speaker cables
It will lower the resistance and not do much else the power will follow the path of least resistance.