Responses from james_edward
Replacement for DeHavilland Ultraverve Hmmm... When I replaced my Bryston BP26 pre with an Ultraverve 3, I noticed virtually no difference in sound. At the time I was using a 4B SST2 amp. I expected the Ultraverve to somehow trounce the Bryston, but it didn’t happen.I say this not to k... | |
open headphones AND speakers = Wow I’m trying this tomorrow... | |
Acoustat x value This may be the new way to sell equipment? I see a lot of these posts these days... | |
SPEAKERS JUMPER CABLES I think only one person touched on this so far: experimenting with the connection orientation yields different audible results that are pretty straightforward in my experience.Connect to lower terminals and jump to upper.Connect to upper terminals... | |
Review of Legacy Focus XD I recently sold my Focus SE (latest iteration), ONLY because I was planning a move to a smaller space. The opportunity presented itself, so I jumped on it.I agree with your sound assessment, and I can only imagine what the flexibility of powered b... | |
No sound from speakers Is turntable connected to phono input? Is ‘listen’ selector in phono position? If turntable is connected to anything other than phono on the back, you will only get a faint sound. | |
No sound from speakers Turntable has to be plugged into the phono input on the back, then use ‘phono’ in listen mode. If the turntable is plugged in anywhere else in back, that would also produce a faint sound at best. | |
No sound from speakers Is it a Cyrus 1? I haven’t a clue as to your knowledge level, but go with simple first. Check, then double check, that the inputs are where you think they are.Then make sure the ‘Listen’ selector knob is choosing the input you want. It sounds like... | |
My exp. with Focal Sopra No.2 , Harbeth 40.2, Passlabs XA30.5 and Hypex NC400 This post and it’s replies are wide ranging, so I will just stick to this- if you use digital as a source (streaming, cd, etc.), a class A amplifier is the way to go. Hence the OP’s conclusion using the Pass Class A amp...Digital is sliced and dic... | |
So, I really like my Tukans and I really miss the next lower octaves.. A LOT of newer stand mounted speakers would fit the parameters you are looking for. The Tukans are an especially small speaker, and physics is physics...A Stereophile review of your speaker notes it’s rising midrange response. Since that appeals t... | |
Bordering on criminal, I know… I see the ML’s only have one set of binding posts. I know multi-channel receivers sometimes provide a menu option to assign spare channels so they may be used in a bi or tri-wire setup. I guess I don’t see how you would do this, unless of course b... | |
Bordering on criminal, I know… I don’t think you’re really ‘bridging’ the amp channels as understood in a typical 2 channel amp where the option is provided by a switch. This is just reassigning unused amp channels in a 9 channel amplifier. However, and it’s a big however, the ... | |
Best Loudspeakers for Rich Timbre? Legacy Audio. They tend to make more recordings listenable, don’t break the bank, and surely fall into the rich sound camp of speakers. | |
Y No YG ? About 8 or 9 years ago I heard a large YG model, I don’t recall which exactly, at CES. I had them play a track from Neil Young’s ‘Live At Massey Hall’. I swear I could see the stage in front of me. A truly memorable demo. They were, then and now, ... | |
Polycarbonate Disc Bliss: The CD is alive and well George Michael “Faith” standard issue cd sounds exceptional. |