

Responses from jasonbourne71

Definitive Technology BP 30
Yes indeed! Keep and enjoy the BP30/AS2200 combination!   
Audeze MM-100
A good choice here!  
Need suggestions on preamp
The LRS is a badly flawed speaker. Measurements don't lie! Your HiFi Man phones are far more accurate! Don't waste money on a preamp. Buy better speakers like Revels.  
Using a power strip in an old home that was build back in 1955
You will need an adapter plug to use that Amazon strip with your two-prong AC outlets.  
Using a power strip in an old home that was build back in 1955
My old house was built in 1953. Same type of outlet wiring. A circuit breaker panel instead of fuses. I never had a problem no matter how many components I plugged into the outlets. So why worry? Use whatever power strip you want. They won't affec... 
Need suggestions on preamp
Go to Audio Science Review and read the test report on the LRS.   
Isolation transformer question
It will do nothing! Your gear has power supplies that adequately filter the AC and produce pure DC to the circuitry.   
Sherwood S5000II speaker connection question also recap
I wouldn't connect the left and right grounds together.   
Klipsch La Scala or Altec 838 speakers
I have Bolero's, Santana 1's, Segovia's and Stonehenge 1's. I wouldn't trade any of them for Klipsch.  
Klipsch La Scala or Altec 838 speakers
I own several vintage Altec speakers. They are much better balanced tonally than Klipsch. Efficiency is high enough to work well with low-power tube amps.  
YouTube Indicates What the Future is For Audiophiles - Interesting Demographics.
@markley : I was buying LP's at Barnes&Noble in 2015. Not a new thing there!  
Battle of the Older DAC
@dancub ​​​​​​+1: Today's three-figure sub-$1K DAC's are competitive with the high-price stuff. No need to spend more.  
Battle of the Older DAC
Buying a DAC based upon someone's opinion is stupid. You might as well ask a Ouija board for advice.  
Battle of the Older DAC
@tannoy56 : So you belong to the "golden ears" crowd. Opinions are the only things that matter to you in choosing gear. That doesn't sound smart! Opinions are fallible, measurements are not!  
Raal Immanis top of the line headphones
The earlier RAAL phones were like $5K. Quite expensive IMO! I fail to see how doubling the price is justified? This is an example of why the general population thinks audiophiles are crazy!