Responses from jasonbourne71
Definitive Technology BP 30 Yes indeed! Keep and enjoy the BP30/AS2200 combination! | |
Audeze MM-100 A good choice here! | |
Need suggestions on preamp The LRS is a badly flawed speaker. Measurements don't lie! Your HiFi Man phones are far more accurate! Don't waste money on a preamp. Buy better speakers like Revels. | |
Using a power strip in an old home that was build back in 1955 You will need an adapter plug to use that Amazon strip with your two-prong AC outlets. | |
Using a power strip in an old home that was build back in 1955 My old house was built in 1953. Same type of outlet wiring. A circuit breaker panel instead of fuses. I never had a problem no matter how many components I plugged into the outlets. So why worry? Use whatever power strip you want. They won't affec... | |
Need suggestions on preamp Go to Audio Science Review and read the test report on the LRS. | |
Isolation transformer question It will do nothing! Your gear has power supplies that adequately filter the AC and produce pure DC to the circuitry. | |
Sherwood S5000II speaker connection question also recap I wouldn't connect the left and right grounds together. | |
Klipsch La Scala or Altec 838 speakers I have Bolero's, Santana 1's, Segovia's and Stonehenge 1's. I wouldn't trade any of them for Klipsch. | |
Klipsch La Scala or Altec 838 speakers I own several vintage Altec speakers. They are much better balanced tonally than Klipsch. Efficiency is high enough to work well with low-power tube amps. | |
YouTube Indicates What the Future is For Audiophiles - Interesting Demographics. @markley : I was buying LP's at Barnes&Noble in 2015. Not a new thing there! | |
Battle of the Older DAC @dancub +1: Today's three-figure sub-$1K DAC's are competitive with the high-price stuff. No need to spend more. | |
Battle of the Older DAC Buying a DAC based upon someone's opinion is stupid. You might as well ask a Ouija board for advice. | |
Battle of the Older DAC @tannoy56 : So you belong to the "golden ears" crowd. Opinions are the only things that matter to you in choosing gear. That doesn't sound smart! Opinions are fallible, measurements are not! | |
Raal Immanis top of the line headphones The earlier RAAL phones were like $5K. Quite expensive IMO! I fail to see how doubling the price is justified? This is an example of why the general population thinks audiophiles are crazy! |