

Responses from jasonbourne71

Can an owner's manual and schematic be found for an Electron Kinetics eagle 7a power amp
$300 was a bargain price! I saw one for sale awhile ago for $1200. I'd put my 7A up against any of those $100K made-in-Switzerland amps - CH Precision and Soulution.  
Can an owner's manual and schematic be found for an Electron Kinetics eagle 7a power amp
No power switch means it was designed to be left on.  
Can an owner's manual and schematic be found for an Electron Kinetics eagle 7a power amp
I have the 7A amp too! Designed by John Iverson in the late 70's. TAS reviewed and liked it. If it works and sounds fine leave it alone! It can drive electrostatic speakers with ease! If you use it with the Acoustats leave it on 24/7. That will as... 
Denon DL-103 Compatibility
I have the 103 mounted on a Grace 707 arm. Sounds fine to me! The lighter the arm the higher the resonant frequency of the cartridge suspension/arm mass. The heavier the arm the lower the resonance.    
Streamer observation / question to those who know
Stream all you want but beyond 44.1K/16 bits you won’t hear any difference, contrary to the claims of the Golden Ears crowd. Perceived differences are due to the care of the mastering used on the original signal.  
Streamer observation / question to those who know
There is a limit to human hearing. Redbook CD/Streaming is at that limit. To naysay the Nyquist Theorem is to deny Shannon's work on Information Theory. Redbook gives as wide a bandwidth for music playback as needed. The higher sampling rate stuff... 
MoFi Bridge Over Troubled Water - Review
I am one of the very few that has never listened to BOTW from start to finish. I should look for a nice original LP for a complete listen. Then get a CD - early or later version? - and again listen in its entirety. I already know it is a great mus... 
You're not a true audiophile unless...
Believing not much matters and hoping sound comes out when the ON button is pushed!  
amazing transformation...how?
The Dynavector HOMC's are known to be "hot" sounding. I know because I had the 20B in 1977. Looks good on paper but a steely top end. I soon sold it to a friend along with my Empire 698 TT. He liked it, used it for awhile then broke the cantilever... 
Anybody knows how to remove drivers of Franco Serblin Accordo?
Let's see some pictures of the drivers in the cabinets.  
Coil vs. Cart impedance
Use  whatever sounds the best.  
Peter Gabriel's Security - the first rock album recorded all digitally in 1983. Shock the Monkey!  
Aftermarket fuse to tame a bright system?
Fuses have NO affect upon sound quality. Electrons flow the same through any fuse, regardless of cost. There is NO "bottleneck" effect.  
Best speaker brands for transient response
Any of the newer Quads!  
Gryphon Diablo 120
The shiny new toy always gives greater pleasure than the old battered toy!