Responses from jasonbourne71
Where to buy Linn LP12 Replacement parts? I have a 30 - year old Linn Sondek. It is working fine! No need to put in replacement parts. I think you are worrying about nothing! Anyway, the LP12 is just a copy of the original AR turntable - which I also have. The claim that only a trained Li... | |
Arcam Amplifier AVR 850 Recapping / Caps blew out Upgrade Question Losing all four power supply caps at once seems to indicate a problem with other parts (rectifier diodes) that should be addressed. A qualified technician should check your amp out. | |
Arcam Amplifier AVR 850 Recapping / Caps blew out Upgrade Question Replace with the same values. The brand doesn't matter, though I would try for all four from the same company. | |
No Output from Hegel H390 Send your Hegel to a qualified technician. | |
Marantz 3300 - Fanboy issues, buyer beware..... szeidman2002: I agree with your pairing! That Advent receiver - who remembers it today? - is a gem! It's pre-out made it quite versatile! Add the excellent phono stage - still competitive today! - and you have one of the best bargains in audio. | |
Well Recorded Classical Symphonic Recordings How about Adrian Leaper's Sibelius on Naxos - four CD's. I bought it recently at a thrift shop for $4. I have other conductors on hand - I like Colin Davis with the BSO on Philips! | |
Tube Amps needing mods. Needing a referral for the work. Leave them be! Mods will harm the resale value. | |
Marantz 3300 - Fanboy issues, buyer beware..... Those old Marantz solid state units from the 70's aren't worth the exorbitant prices some are asking. Instead, the tube gear that was built and sold when Saul Marantz owned the company is definitely collectible - the model 7 preamp and models 8 a... | |
Marantz 3300 - Fanboy issues, buyer beware..... Buy a Hafler 100 preamp instead. Less expensive and much better sound. Then you can buy a Hafler 200 amp. I have this combination I bought for $300 from a local seller. Good stuff! | |
Balanced vs Unbalanced Digital Cables NO! Digital data transmission down an RCA SPDIF coax is a solved problem and perfectly fine. | |
Looking for a true upgrade in sound quality mikhailark: from a data center using generic HD servers like banks use. Nothing "audiophile" about it! And posters here worry about what streamer, what cable, what DAC ... | |
Looking for a true upgrade in sound quality Buy the Teiko $32K streamer. Jay of Jay's Audio Lab loves it! | |
Judging speakers to purchase. I want to hear the drops of sweat hit the floor as Jascha Heifetz barrels through the Tchaikovsky violin concerto! | |
Need Advice Asap - Terrible experience with a seller on Reverb (Iso Acoustics Gaia ii) They look fine in your photo. When they are in place under your sub they will not be visible. You paid less than retail. Keep and use them. | |
If A.I. took the place of musicians, would you listen to it? "Open the pod bay doors Hal" "Hal?" "Open the pod bay doors" - from 2001 - A Space Odyssey. |