Responses from jasonbourne71
Baach dsp, true stereo? Let's not forget the Sonic Hologram option Bob Carver added to some of his Phase Linear and Carver preamps/CD players. | |
Baach dsp, true stereo? Why not do the opposite? The APT Holman preamp had a "blend" control to mix the L + R channels. This would be beneficial for early stereo recordings which had excessive LR panning between channels. | |
Oracle CD2500 MKI $2K is probably a more realistic price. It's a buyer's market. | |
era mk 6 c off and on by pass ? On my second Ariston I didn't have a spare switch so I did the switch bypass and used a power strip for on/off. | |
era mk 6 c off and on by pass ? Why not just buy a new switch? I did that for my Ariston. Yes, you can bypass the switch with a bit of soldering. Then use a power strip with an on/off switch. If you do that use electric tape on the switch to prevent contact with the metal chassis. | |
Bryston BDP-3 VS Aesthetix Romulus Eclipse XLR balanced is only a benefit for cables many feet long. That's why it is used for pro installations. At the typical home length of a meter or two no benefit. | |
It's almost like poll, but certainly more fun The real cognescenti will always choose Patek Philippe! | |
Cast into Utter Darkness Stairway to Heaven! | |
It's almost like poll, but certainly more fun Too bad that the $80K DarTZeel NHB - 18NS preamp can't be worn on the wrist to show what a bad-ass dude you are! That's what expensive hifi components are - social signifiers to show that you belong to the in-crowd! | |
It's almost like poll, but certainly more fun Who needs a watch when a phone is far more useful? A Rolex is just a social class signifier to alert others that you are a person of means. | |
Best Full-Function Preamplifier Robert Grodinsky Research RGR 4 ($660 - no longer in production). Particular attention was paid to the design of the phono stage. Back in the day TAS gave it a very positive review! Since I am invested in LP’S I own and use this preamp. | |
Nakamichi CR-3A cassette deck Go to hifishark. | |
Looking for a Warmer Sounding Phono Cartridge Stanton 881S with the original Stereohedron stylus. | |
240/110V 200Va transformer suitable for? You are in Australia. That's 220/240 AC. Yes, the transformer will work for USA gear. Stuff like preamps, CD/DVD players, turntables ... | |
240/110V 200Va transformer suitable for? That transformer won't work for Japanese domestic gear because that stuff uses 100 volts AC. |