Responses from jc51373
B&W 803s vs Focal 1027Be S series B&W is also incredibly smooth in comparison to it's Nautilus predecessor. | |
B&W 803s vs Focal 1027Be 803s by a landslide | |
which amp to upgrade my Levinson 383/39/WattPuppy6 Oh my stars....If you went to a a Full Peanut Butter (FPB), you would really hear a difference in that system. Or any of the ML amps. | |
Rockport Mira and Mira Monitors thanks for the info...I may just do that, although I am not very patient. The only problem, which is a small one, is that his stuff does not have wood finishes, which in our home we prefer. But good sound can supercede aesthetix. | |
What should I upgrade -- speakers or amp? See, now this is where I would nedisagree with everyone on the matter at hand..I have a pair of loaner 805s on a FPB 400cx and it sounds superb, more than my space necessarily needs. I think anyone here would agree that running a Full Peanut Butte... | |
Help Choosing B&W Speakers Your driving 802s with a Pioneer receiver????? Wow, talk about imbalance. Those speakers are deserving of so much more. I own that reciever and wouldn't dare to put it near my B&W's. Not up to the task, especially of an 802. | |
Rockport Mira and Mira Monitors I may hold out for a listen to the Monitors which should be at the dealer in 3 weeks or so. These are really nice, and a very special speaker. | |
The best speaker you ever heard? Either the 800D or Rockport Altair for me... | |
B&W 805 to 804 I used to have N804s and I am upgrading to 803Ds, but....In the meantime my dealer gave me a set of 805s while I save up the rest of the money for the 803Ds, so I don't go clinically insane..I am listening to them now actually, and they are nice, ... | |
help me decide: VTL 7.5 or ARC Ref 3 IMO the newest version of the 7.5 is not even in the same class as the ARC 3. The 7.5 killed the ARC in my auditioning experiences. There is also a dramatic price difference between these two pieces that is being overlooked here. The ARC 3 is real... | |
VTL TL2.5 Preamp I used to have the 2.5 about 6 years ago, and I did the same thing, came from Rotel equipment. I remember the difference was astounding. This is an excellent step for you from where you were with Rotel, and it takes you in a completely different d... | |
Krell FPB 600c 700cx 400cx Heatsink noises. I have this amp, and I get a pop here and there on warm up and cool down, but once it is fully heated up I don't hear a thing. Anyway, music is usually too loud anyway. : ) | |
B&W 804: Big improvement over 704? Budget? | |
B&W 803D or Dynaudio C2's I have heard all these speakers, and they are all excellent in their own way. The Dynaudio to me were very nice, neutral presentation, B&W 803d very....Well B&W I guess, which I love. The Verity, simply awesome, but in a different price ra... | |
Richard Gray's 400 Pro = Emperor's New Clothes?? I called my electric company and asked about ways to improve it at the source and they had no idea what I was asking. |