
Responses from jc51373

Wavelength Brick USB DAC tube rolling?
Thats a very good reason to use it then, your are well researched. I am sure there are benefits too, so kudos to that set up. Yeah the Cosecants don't pop up much on the used side, although there was one here on Agon, a version 1 I believe. I want... 
Wavelength Brick USB DAC tube rolling?
Who said something bad about the Brick? It is a wonderful piece...I have one, and I am waiting for my Cosecant-about a month. I love the Brick, haven't tube rolled, heard the same thing from Gordon about it not having a big effect. I would try any... 
Best amps for rock and heavy metal
No one does bass slam like Krell. Levinson is awesome too, but much darker sounding-not mention overpriced. If your doing alot of this type of music you owe it to yourself to listen to Krell. I have had a krell for years and it did well for me whe... 
Has anybody heard the new Nagra CD Player?
I heard it today actually, it was a dealer piece..Awesome looking, so cool to watch it open, and the magnet thingy on the top of the CD is cool. Love the size too, build quality is second to none. It has a nice sweet sound, pretty neutral as descr... 
What is the best redbook CD player for 6K to 8K?
Used the Cx-7e...I wasn't so impressed with the Ayre, it was a nice piece, involving. I thought it sounded a little hollow compared to what I have now. Sounded tingy and pitched at times, no warmth. But the biggest characteristic I notice from tha... 
AV123 Mini; Salk HT3; Devore Gibbon Super 8
So these Strata's are the real deal huh? Interesting, since right now I am auditioning lots of contenders in the $3-$5K range. Dynaudio, Devore, etc...I have the 804 b&w now but have the urge for something else. Will look harder at the Strata. 
Preamp Eats tubes..
Not all wines improve with age my friend....Some should not be laid down at all. 
What is the best redbook CD player for 6K to 8K?
The 1.1 is a great player...But when you revisit the market to buy a new front end, it most likely won't be a CD player. 
What is the best redbook CD player for 6K to 8K?
Jim, thats a great player...But when you move into buying another player consider a USB (or whatever interface) DAC. 
Wavelength Brick
Steve, I am curious to know what you used as a Preamp with your Cosecant?? 
What is the best redbook CD player for 6K to 8K?
Cwlondon- really? Let's test your memory..Name me one or two that were on the same scale as a CD player at the time? And quite honestly, it is not an apples to apples comparison anyway, so making that comparison directly is not accurate. I was sim... 
What is the best redbook CD player for 6K to 8K?
Dbld...Thats a nice player! best of luck with it. 
What is the best redbook CD player for 6K to 8K?
Investing in "heavy expensive" CD players right now is like investing in an tape deck when CD's were new. 
Primer on Music Servers?
Let me tell you a little something...People like to think HDD is not as good as Flash for some reason, and that the whole 'moving parts' theory is the reason why. This is somewhat true, but solid state storage (Flash) is not much better, and when ... 
Wavelength Brick
One thing I have learned though...In burning some of the other various types of music I have aside from Jazz. IE titles with more Bass....The Brick is in fact a little on the weak side in the Bass department. Other than than that the detail is gre...