Responses from jc51373
Cardas Caps Good to know...I would just suggest considering other, more effective, options if trying to resolve a rampant RFI problem-these aren't a complete solution, and made no difference in my system. Other than looking good, and protection, no sonic diff... | |
ASIO4ALL Crackles With Wavelength Audio Brick I tried the Windows/ASIO mix, for a few weeks. Then bought a MAC Book, and the difference was simply astounding. I was shocked, and quite honestly the only reason I bought the MAC book was to give the Brick a fair shake in my system. Glad I did, b... | |
Scott Nixon USBTD vs Wavelength Brick They are in two completely different classes of quality and sophistication IMO. I have a friend who has the Nixon, and I have a Brick (soon to be Cosecant), and I liked the Brick better, much better. But there are alot of variables with systems et... | |
Is USB overrated as decent digital source? I actually auditioned the Bel Canto DAC 3 prior to auditioning the Brick and was not as impressed, and the price was really high for the sound. It sounded stale in my system. The DAC chip they use in there (TI) is largely a commodity chip and in m... | |
SoundCity Speaker Outriggers I measured out tonight, from edge to edge the measurements are 9.25 inches for the fronts, and 8 inches for the rears. Once I hear back from Paul I will place my order. I am actually kind of siked to stabilize these speakers finally. It is somethi... | |
Good tube pre amp for a mostly digital system I have a brand new VTL 5.5 and it has brought my system to a whole new level of detail and resolution. VTL is a great product, service is very good from the company, albeit very slow. | |
SoundCity Speaker Outriggers Thanks Narrod, I agree with you too. Sonics is the last thing I am going for with this purchase. I spoke with Paul today and he was fantastic to deal with over the phone, so I will be ordering a set after I measure out my speakers. | |
SoundCity Speaker Outriggers Narrod- also which speakers did you put yours on? I have 804N'sMfsoa- they look cool huh? I will post my thoughts on then for you once I get them. | |
SoundCity Speaker Outriggers Thanks guys...I agree they are a little pricey, but with the wife "onboard" I am free to splurge! Woooohoooo! I am curious to know if you notice any sonic benefits from them, and what they were for you. I am mainly doing this for stability and I l... | |
Getting into Vinyl... Thanks Tvad...I read so many positive things about the BC se it just seemed like the right avenue to travel. I think it is important to system match properly when adding something. Some of the pieces I was originally thinking about might be outcla... | |
Getting into Vinyl... Thanks Stereo, much appreciated. I will take a look at that one as well. | |
Getting into Vinyl... Pawlowski...Get lost. | |
Getting into Vinyl... Thanks Hodu, Fishwater, very informative, exactly what I needed to hear....A this point I think I am leaning towards the Black Cube with the larger power supply, I will start there and move ahead with the table, or vice versa. Seems like the phono... | |
Getting into Vinyl... I have been searching, and completely understand the concept. I am looking for a helpful individual to contribute and offer up some suggestions. I will continue to search, like I have been, in the meantime. | |
Getting into Vinyl... Thanks everyone....Not sure what MM or MC is, I have an idea...Moving Magnet, or Moving Coil??? Either way, I have no idea why it is important-sorry. Whatever it is, I want to know, as I don't want to learn I missed some very important detail afte... |