

Responses from jdlepera

Rockstar Supernova
I agree,The performers are mostly semi pro.Check The shows web site.The backup Band is probably better than Supernova,They are exceptional musicians...The part of the show I don't care for is Navarro's[Average rhythm guitar player] comments gushin... 
Who can repair a C.E.C. TL-1X CD Transport?
Sounds like the loader/Transport belt is weak or slipping and not lifting cd into position to spin and be read.[Most common problem with transports]I'm not familar with your transport.A little Toothpaste on the belt/pullys is a tempory fix.I live ... 
Best Rock Drummers
Tommy Lee of course..........Motly Crue and now Supernova 
wanting info for Duke Elliington - Digital Duke CD
A SIMPLE search of E Bay reveals 6 for sale $2.99 up. 
Where to buy?
E Bay !!,accoustic sounds,Music direct etc.sell at retail list prices,They do have great selections though.Be sure to check shipping charges wherever you buy.JD 
Any limits on International Pay Pal transaction?
I wouldn't pay that amount by Paypal or Money order even in the USA,Much less oversea's.COD only or forget it.Fly over and pick it up.Maybe a complete rip off or may arrive damaged,then what......To many ripoff horror stories around and for a lot ... 
10 or so chillout albums I'm diggin'
I'm surprised you aren't into something by Air The French Band or Zero 7 from the UK.Thanks for the heads up on the Bands you mention,I'll try some out.JD 
Camel - Nod and Wink - Impressive Album
I assume you have "Dust and Dreams",Harbour of Tears and Rajaz[HDCD] and a Great Concert DVD,"Coming of Age".All more current Classic's.You just about need all their Albums especially their early output.Classy Stuff!Andy is a great Guitar Player a... 
Favorite Lesser Known Sax Players
Gary Falk Louisville,KY.A Legend in The area.. 
SACD... is this all there is?
I've sold over a 1000 Nektar SACD's.Classic Progressive rock.Also many Deep Purple live.Allman Brothers Fillmore and Eat a Peach.....JD 
He took my Xindak SACD/CD Player up several steps with some lite mods and fine tuning.Compares easily to 3-4K players.Highly recommended!JD 
what's your favorite album cover?
Inside of Tarkus and Eat a Peach.I agree with Eloy Albums especially Ocean and Floating.In General a lot of Prog and Psych covers.......JD 
New to SACD--so what do I buy?
Nektar-Journey to the Centre of the Eye, if you like Pink Floyd.Its a Trip in 5.1!Also Deep Purple Live BBC is basically Machine Head Live minus 1 cut.Both sold here on Audiogon.Also Steely Dan,Gaucho is a must have in surround.Allman Brothers,Fil... 
Xindak SCD-2 Mods
Dan Wright at Modwright.com modded mine last year.Very inexpensive.Not as much to mod as on DVD Players.Mine sounds much better than any stock Sony SACD player.JD 
Is the audio research D150 still a worthily amp?
If the amp was my Grandfathers,I would restore it and use it and NEVER sell it.Surely it has some memories for you.JD