

Responses from jeffseight

Making a list...
dinov, Gold Star for the correct response format.!!! I left off a category though. 5. Downloaded to NAS from Internet Seller    
Raven 300B integrated
Only one guy raving about it these days  
What's your favorite $5-7000 turntable?
Clearaudio or Rega  
Dan D'Agostino S350 vs Luxman M-10X
The new Hegel is chopped liver by comparison??  
What am I missing?
1. RedBook CD 2. XRCD 3. SACD 4. Ripped version of each above saved in a NAS 5. Streamed version of #s 1,2,3   Put these in order of SQ   
Denafrips 12 anniversary
Last year I was sucked into buying the Pontus Before the 12/17/21 price hike. I did. Guess what. No hike. They have the game down. I sold the damn thing and broke even. No more Denafrips for this buyer.  
Why are there so many wooden box speakers out there?
Shortage of plastic I believe...  
Newbie want to improve what I have
Waiting to hear some more detail from the OP.   Do you use some absorbing panels? Do your ears hurt after listening? Do you listen at 70dB or 85?  
My first tube integrated: which one to get?
Get that Wilsenton INT and you could also afford a good DAC!  
Need your thoughts - LTA 40+ vs Pathos Inpol Integrated amp on 98db speakers.
Seems like I read that the 20 had higher SQ than the 40. Do not recall why.    
Recommend a good tube power amp in the 100 wpc range for under $4k
You have a Rogue Pre. Why not the Rogue Tube 100wpc Amp?    
So, I listened to a $1Million Dollar System
Some dealers have a rep for never providing a truly engaging sound. I sat in a Wilson $800k Speaker set up at a dealer and I was hearing  4 different separate speakers. I was in the sweet spot. Now my hearing is not great anymore but I have to ... 
Sound is better when I stand up?
Just remove all from the knee down and I think you'll be fine!  
Vintage tube sound from a modern amp
iddio- she can share my room anytime!  
To all our Veterans here, Thank You!