Responses from jeffseight
Which cable I bi-wired mine!! | |
System Upgrade A 30 day old Leben 600 will likely go at very close to full priceas they are made to order often times. If you unload the HL5+you will take a $2k hit. I would get on the Harbeth owners forum and get an answer straight from god's mouth. | |
My Triad of Integrateds SugdenHegelLyngdorf I seem to have moved to cooler regions.enGoing East:AccuphaseLebenLuxman | |
Why a separate DAC? A BLIND 10 DAC TEST will be performed Saturday August 24th, 11-3pmat Acoustic Designs in Scottdale, Arizona courtesy of the Arizona AudioVideo Club. $10 admission. Schiit = YggdrasilChord = Hugo TT Benchmark = DAC3iFi Audio = Pro iDSDPS Audio = ... | |
Ended my Qobuz subscription I moved from Tidal to Qobuz with big expectations. Then it seemedevery time I found an artist I was interested in, Qobuz had norights to the best albums by the artist. Once this situation became the norm and after tiring of the Non-Support Qobuz ... | |
Any other lone audiophiles here? Artemus G,Your situation gave me an idea! We have a Audio club here in Phoenix that has existed in an anemic form since the mid 80's. 25 members in a city of 4 million + . I went to my first meeting about 2 years ago and wasshocked by the makeup ... | |
What’s really hurting the audio hobby? When the Boomers were growing up, everyone 16 or older had somevariation of a "Close and Play" in their rooms. Not you can get it alland a heck of lot more on a phone. If we had the access they do,(pot, porn) we might never have ventured outside e... | |
What Sonically is the Difference between a $1,500 CD Player and a $10K-$25K One? A BLIND 10 DAC TEST will be performed Saturday August 24th, 11-3pmat Acoustic Designs in Scottdale, Arizona courtesy of the Arizona AudioVideo Club. $10 admission. Schiit = YggdrasilChord = Hugo TT Benchmark = DAC3iFi Audio = Pro iDSDPS Audio = ... | |
I lied to my wife about the price of Stax 009S headphone Kong,Thanks for providing one of the most interesting reads on thissite. There are a lot of weak sisters in the 80+ responses who as you say are best ignored. I do not lie but I am deceitful at times. Is that any better? No.As any attorney will te... | |
What amp is best with Wilson Sasha DAW speakers Real power in reserve is what you want. if you are going to spend about $20k, T + A or Dan Dog will do it. Go listen! The ARC Amp blew up at Axpona so that is that. D"Agostino's family are great people to work with. The Germans, well Speckenzi De... | |
Speaker selector app. There are some good suggestions above. I am listening to a pairof Pulsars now on loan to me. Dealer demos from 2016 that come with the full 5 year warranty. $5,000. They are excellent but not going as low as you mention. I hope you don’t want them!! | |
Which new amp to get? Get a female dog, a make horse and a tube preamppaired with a solid state amp. BidD's suggestion is a good one in my book! Scoring a DD at $8500when the progression goes for $22k new is a wise move.The Anthem gear has a room correction feature whi... | |
What was your first big eye opener with regard to audio? That wpm ratings are not the last word in determining sound quality.Accepting that my ears are mine and hear things differently than others.The day I finished building my dozen 2' x 4' absorbing panels and nearly went to tears when I heard the dif... | |
Am I dreaming? Checked Schiit lately? |