
Responses from jetter

Can I ever stand to listen to our system again
Karel, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I do not know the author or if it is part of a poem, but when I was feeling very hurt I heard a line to the effect of "Don't cry for what you have lost, smile for what you had". It helped me. Bless you.Ge... 
Anyone talked to Dean from PSE?
I would rather not have quality products than go through what Geo did. P E R I O D. 
Many reviewers will lead you down the wrong path.
Julian Hirsh rules. Then and now. Every speaker grooves, every component rocks. 
What is the purpose of preamp jumpers?
Is there any issue with using the receiver amp with another preamp. I have an old yamaha receiver with the same jumper set up and was wondering if I could try the amp section of the receiver with my tube preamp? 
About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone
Pat, we don't know each other but I really do hope for the privilege to meet you over there and that we could have met here. You all are such great people.George 
how good signal cable?
I have not used the signal cable, I have used only Acoustic Zen Satori and Alpha Core m12 and I like the Alpha Core very much in my system and it is in the price range you are talking about. In addition, they are flat and tough and can be placed u... 
Firesign Theatre
"How can you be two places at once and nowhere at all?" 
Best digital cable below $500
Audio Magic Excalibur II works well in my system. Museatex DCC transport to DATA converter. 
EMM Labs DAC6 vs. latest version dCS
Thanks Mitcho, I am very much enjoying my Meitner gear. Very musical on one hand and on the other I have grown to appreciate their operating reliability, knock wood. The Museatex transport and DAC has operated flawlessly over the years with both C... 
Have you tried the ART SLA-1 amp yet?
OK, as long as people are looking at buying budget amps, I will say that Norh, a company I had not heard of until someone mentioned them on Audiogon about two weeks ago is bringing out its new LeAmpII. This unit has a switching power supply and do... 
Have you tried the ART SLA-1 amp yet?
I am posting this in two places:The way I look at this is that D911 has a financial interest on the line here and is really doing some major league bragging about is his modded amp. In and of itself no hurt to anyone. But on the other hand, whats ... 
Pro vs. Consumer Equipment
I am posting this in two places:The way I look at this is that D911 has a financial interest on the line here and is really doing some major league bragging about is his modded amp. In and of itself no hurt to anyone. But on the other hand, whats ... 
Power cord? Why?
I don't know anything about oxygen-free copper, but I can tell you I bought 4 pairs of oxygen-free copper interconnects, with gold plated rca's, from 1 to 4 meters yesterday. They ranged from $.75 to $3.00 on clearance at Walmart. They also had a ... 
Acoustic Zen speaker Cables ..In general
Has anyone ever compared the AZ Satori and Alpha-Core veracity MI-2 speaker cables?Thanks for any comments. 
Shanling T100 to the T200 shootout
Like many, I have a decent collection of CD's and records. Not thousands of cd's and records, but a lot of music nonetheless. Lately I find it hard to listen to many of my old favorites as I have heard them just too many times over the years. So i...