Responses from jl35
High End System Building. How important is the matching, cabling and room? Thoughts ? +1 ghd. Everything matters. Irrelevant which is declared most important. Get the best equipment you can, matched the best you can, set up the best you can. And enjoy | |
New! Cerious Technologies Lumniscate cables Products page seems to be moving just fine... | |
Speakers - Your "Safest" Choice The OP later added size of room, and that he actually has 225 watt per channel Van Alstine mono blocks... | |
integrated amp with phone for graham ls6 under $4000 new +1 for Gene Rubin and Belles... | |
High End System Building. How important is the matching, cabling and room? Thoughts ? The room has a significant effect on sound. This has been known a long long time, nothing new here. We all have different rooms, and different amounts of control as to what we can do with room acoustics. Regardless, we can always get good sound in... | |
McCormack DNA 0.5 vs. DNA 2.0 Deluxe definitely call SMc , and lose the Spotify, it makes everything else irrelevant... | |
High End System Building. How important is the matching, cabling and room? Thoughts ? you make lots of good points, and I'm sure you have done a remarkable job with your components and room... | |
High End System Building. How important is the matching, cabling and room? Thoughts ? @mahgister building a very good system under $1000 is easier than ever these days...I’ve put together quite a few for myself, family and friends...and +1 gr annyring | |
Speakers - Your "Safest" Choice pretty much every $20,000 speaker is getting mentioned now...all are very good, but for $20K you really should get what like best, not a safe bet that you won’t dislike them...Are you actually looking to do this, or is this just a question of cur... | |
Speakers - Your "Safest" Choice Yes absolutely unnecessary. But love the FR20 !!! | |
Speakers - Your "Safest" Choice Would certainly be nicer for 5k but if your goal was to audition speakers, totally unnecessary | |
Speakers - Your "Safest" Choice No way subway !!! There are quite decent under $200 hotel rooms in Manhattan | |
What to do with a large collection Media Mail tends to be inexpensive. You can sell here or on ebay, a box load at a time, for a small price. You can collect a little cash, and know the discs are going to someone who will enjoy them...there are still some that are starting new CD c... | |
Speakers - Your "Safest" Choice I'd spend $1000, go the NYC for a few days, listen to speakers, then buy a pair of $19,000 speakers...otherwise the best I can come up with is few seem to actively dislike Vandersteen, though many don't particularly like them...there is no totally... | |
Did I damage my new amp contact the dealer you bought the amp from...if they're local have them listen to it... |