

Responses from jmcgrogan2

Good Pc choice for ARC LS-25 and Arc SE130 combo.
If you're happy with the Kimber Select, why not try the Kimber PK10 Palladian P/C's? They are definitely one of the best out there. 
People who are Irrationally Afraid of tube amps
I'm one of those that you talk about. Although I've never tire kicked a tube amp, I have thought about trying one occasionally. I've owned tube preamps, phono stges and cd players with no problems or complaints. However, tube amps do take tube pro... 
Mysterious hum in system...
I had this same problem. I traced it to a ground loop hum coming from my cable line. I eliminated it by using a MIT ISO-Linq ground isolation filter. Mondial's Magic Box would probably have worked just as well. I've heard that Radio Shack sells su... 
What is the best 42"plasma Panasonic or Pioneer?
You may be better served by asking this question at http://www.avsforum.com/ I find these guys are more into the video end of HT.Good luck,John 
Favorite Movie Soundtrack
Dances with Wolves. I hated the movie, but the soundtrack is beautiful. 
Can I nominate Sean please ?
Are you sure it wasn't fiddy cent? 
I have figured out the upgrade itch
I think the glossy rags lead to my upgrade itch. They wax on and on lyrically about what a tremendous improvement the mk II version is over the mk I, that I start listening more critically, and finding more 'problems' with my own system. I find it... 
BAT 300xse or Musical Fidelity TriV 300 Integrated
I've often thought of simplifying my system by going to an integrated. I've listened to quite a few, my two favorites being the BAT VK-300XSE and the Rowland Concentra II. I would have a hard time picking between these two. I have listened to the ... 
Amp for VA Beethovens?
I'm a former Beethoven owner, I moved up to the Strauss. I preferred a SS amp. I know some like a tube amp with the Beethovens, but IMHO the bass was not tight enough. I used a Classe CA-200 with great success, until moving up to my current Thresh... 
Where do I go from here ???
I agree with those that say to upgrade the power conditioner. I also agree with Warrenh, on the Audio Magic. However, I would upgrade the preamp ahead of the cd player. I also have the Helikon cartridge (and love it), and I don't do much 'serious'... 
Which Pre/Pro regardless of $$$
Mark Levinson No. 40. 
Does your gear need periodic CHECK UPS?
Usually that translates into 'just back from factory service'. It sounds nicer to say check up than service, because a buyer may be more leary of buying a piece of equipment if it had a 'break down' history. In my experiences costlier gear does ha... 
NOS tubes, why can't modern tubes sound better?
Good question, I believe it's because 'they don't build 'em like they used to' philosophy. In business today, it's all about the bottom line, getting the fewest amount of people to do the most work possible. In the older days, the quality was prio... 
Which: VPI HW19 Jr. or III vs. REGA P3 and P25
Rega and VPI both make fine 'tables. I would recommend the VPI because of the upgrade path, which the Rega doesn't have. However, if you are not into 'tweaking', the Rega is an easier setup. The Rega is much more of a 'plug and play' type. Only yo... 
2 Classe ca 100's vs 1 Classe ca 200 ?
Drubin, I was alluding to the bridging of the amps, which IMHO degrades the sound. Amps designed as monoblocks sound better than stereo amps bridged. I did own a CA-200 for a year or so, and it was a very nice amp. Warm, rich tonal balance, with s...