
Responses from joey_v

Amplifiers for B&W 803D/802D
Heard the BW802D driven by Mcintosh 501... PHENOMENAL combo I thought. 
Cary 306/200 vs Wadia 850 what player is better
I'm going to get the 306/200 when a silver one pops up on audiogon...The 306SACD is just too costly... 
Martin Logan Summit vs. Odessy
Summits ftw.And yes, we're all characters on the MLO forum. Atleast some of us are... lol...Joey 
Top ten tube preamps
Cary SLP-05 in addition to the numerous others that have been listed here. 
martin logan vs magnepan sound
I feel that the current Summit do a very good job of integrating the bass with the panel. I have heard the Maggie 3.6 along with everything (but Alexandria) from Wilson, Vivid, BW, Linn, Sonus Faber (except Elipsa/Strads), Quad 2805 and I feel the... 
Grand Prix Monaco review in new Stereophile- OUCH
Frankly, I'm glad that not all reviews are like spring and butterflies. Give us the truth, even if it hurts. 
Just got my Scoutmaster, need setup suggestions...
Stringreen and Audphile1,Thanks very very much!Joey 
Just got my Scoutmaster, need setup suggestions...
Someone's please define the following:OverhangAzimuthZenithVTADownforceSRAVTFBtw, thanks for the input Audphile1. Also, what did you mean by riding "slightly tail down"? 
Just got my Scoutmaster, need setup suggestions...
I was able to "fix" the counterweight on the back of the JMW9 tonearm and get it to be a bit more balanced. However, I am now away from my TT and I just read the prior posts talking about the Azimuth. I get what the Azimuth is now, but I was not a... 
Just got my Scoutmaster, need setup suggestions...
Forgive my stupidity, but what is the azimuth?I haven't felt this dumb in a while.... 
Anyone familiar with the Manger driver?
Please... enough blatant advertising. 
sonus faber..Grand Piano Domus vs Cremona Auditor
I listened to the Cremona Auditor and the Concerto Domus... in which the Cremona was handily better. I have not yet listened to the Grand Piano Domus though.But I would be surprised if you found the GP better than the Cremona Auditor if you were a... 
AVALON Indra ??
Samuel,Thanks for the review. Your review is saying a lot. Gotta audition someday.Joey 
To those who've tkn Vandersteen 5A upgrade plunge
I would sell the 5s used... then buy a pair of used 5As.The best way to go about this is this though... do not sell until after you buy and after you take delivery of the 5A (used). Then you can do a demo and be sure of your decision. Not only tha... 
Cambridge Audio 840C
Mike,That's what I figured. One thing I noticed from CDPs (and audio electronics like DACs, Preamps, and Amps) is that the higher you go up, the main and consistent difference is the blackness and the 3D-ness of the sound. A lot of the "wide sound...