Responses from johnss
Benz Micro M2 loading Jandrese9882, get your test freq. LP out. play the 10k and 15k tracks with a resistor. Select a higher value resistor. play the same tracks. note the change in hi freq. output level and run the calc to determine where you need to be. bestJohn | |
Technics SL1200MK2 Cartridge Discussion The 199 benz micro MC is a nice match too for the SL1200 | |
Parasound P/LD-2000, strengths and weaknesses? The biggest weakness of the PLd 2000 is the tinny power supply. Replace it with a big 400 watter, and the 2000 will come to life. | |
Any idea what this goo is on my record? take your std. record cleaning solution and cut it 50% with dist. water. dispence this cut solution over your LP. Let it set for 20 min or so (you'll need to come back every 3-4 min and add more to keep the surface wet). After 20 min has passed, u... | |
Turntable, where is my bass??? Karelfd, obtain a Frequency test LP if you do not have one. Play the frequencies at 1Khz first. measure the voltage output from your phono stage or pre amp tape outputs. Then start playing lower frequency tones and measure the voltage for each. If... | |
Chicagoland Record Shops Chicago used to have quite a few good LP stores; they have been reduced in number in the last few years. I'd suggest 2nd hand tunes on Clark St. (about 2400 north roughly). A few blocks from 2nd hand is HI FI records, also on Clark St. Then in the... | |
Rachmaninoff, Symphony No. 3 in A minor, Opus 44? As several posters mentioned, the Previn and Askenazy recordings are standards. Don't forget the Ormandy Philadelphia recordings on Columbia. Ormandy had a close working relationship with Rachmaninoff. | |
vintage turntables? Creative edge is correct. The Technics 12xx series are so-so in stock form, but with the KAB upgrades compete seriously with the multikilo buck tables; have been there and done the comparison myself. Its tough to admit a hot rodded KAB technics is... | |
mo' better bass: any substitute for watts? more better bass is derived from a bigger power supply and transformer which translates into amps not watts. Current is what is needed to really move woofers. | |
vintage turntables? James1969 does have a valid point regardless of other comments. True, his experience with the Sota may have not been typical of the brand, but his comments do bear some merit. Listening tests alone do not offer enough resolution. If you really wan... | |
Cartridges for rear of stage orchestral resolution Opus88, Your current cart may be doing more than you think. What are you using for a phono stage? Even with a 5K$$ cart, using a so-so phono stage will limit your resolution capabilities. May also suggest you offer what pre amp you are using. best J | |
earth ground disconnected or not ? Grisslehamn, YOu may want to consider one more option; Dedicated earth ground for your audio system only. The medical grade outlets offer this feature, where the outlet can be ilsolated from the system or house ground. Depending on where you live ... | |
Parasound P/LD-2000 preamp mods? Daltonlanny, you're welcome. I have modd'ed 1 of the Para. 2000's, two of the 1100's a handful of Zpres, and numerous other manufacturer's pre and power amps. With the exception of the vishay resistors (available directly from Vishay, but fairly l... | |
Parasound P/LD-2000 preamp mods? Daltonlanny, The main sonic signature on the 2000 is derived from the use of the caps Parasound uses to bypass each electrolitic. Upgrading those caps alone will help the 2000 a lot. Secondly, going through and replacing the metal film resistors ... | |
Simaudio preamp for Theta and Snell? The Snell CVs are fairly efficient, but sound much better with plenty of power. I have a pair in my second system. Used to drive them with a Thesold S500; adn later swtiched to a parasound 3500, which gave greater dynamics. Pre amp was a CJ PV10; ... |