Responses from jond
Aries-Cerat Helene Review Tony a really fantastic write-up thanks for sharing it! Aries Cerat gear is totally gorgeous and that Dac sounds like a monster and a sonic blockbuster congratulations! | |
Help with tube choice For more of a value tube I've had good luck with JAN Phillips 6922s. | |
Has buying and/or selling audio gear changed? Agreed a well known individual sounds like a dealer or manufacturer also the 1099 thing is inaccurate that rule has been delayed yet again the threshold is still like $20K, | |
Tracking down a hum. It would be something else in the room or also some DC on the line causing the transformer to hum. | |
Grateful Dead Dave's Pick's Volume 48 ......time to put a fork in this ! Well if you don't like the reissues you don't actually have to buy them. I know David and he is a super nice guy and passionate about the Dead and his work. Let him have his fun I say. | |
Magico and Tube amp I did hear Magico's being run with a CAT amp at CAF last year, or perhaps the year before and thought it sounded very good. I want to say they were the Legend monoblocks or something like that I am not a CAT expert. | |
1099- and PayPal @charles1dad Of course I know that my friend but let me point out I made no comment on the tax itself just that the IRS has needed more resources for a long time. Principally to go after wealthy tax cheats. That said I am against this tax or in fa... | |
BEST little know Jazz Album that you ever heard? I will mention what I'm streaming right now it's new to me and not sure if it's a new release or just new on Qobuz. Alex Riel in New York with Michael Brecker. Nieslan Doky, Mike Stern, Jerry Bergonzi, Chris Minh Doky, Eddie Gomez and Kenny Werner... | |
Considering selling my restored Garrard 301 Yes get a good plinth made for the 301 keep it enjoy it and be happy. | |
1099- and PayPal Or they are woefully understaffed and using outdated tech from a decade + of being starved for funding. | |
DACed and Confused here... @charles1dad I knew the user name SETBliss had to be you and I am sure the new owner will enjoy your Yamamoto for many years to come. | |
DACed and Confused here... If you are willing to buy used I cannot recommend highly enough the Yamamoto YDA-1 the Dac I'm listening to right now. Here is one on Audiomart below your price range and I do believe the seller may be our own @charles1dad judging by the Dueland c... | |
What news in 2023 struck you? +1 @viridian Fremer to TAS seemed sacrilegious lol. And @roxy54 I didn't know Salk retired sad news. I'd say the sale of ARC was a big one and I am personally curious about the recent sale of Roon to Harman though I am not a Roon user. | |
"Diminishing Returns" Kenny you've hit on one of the secrets of audio, older great sounding gear still sounds great! The only pieces younger than 10 years in my system are my streamer and my speakers. And needless to say it sounds fantastic! | |
Do people tire of audio forums? I've been on this forum for gulp 24 years now and it's totally a part of my life I can't quit.😋 |