
Discussions jsbach1685 has started

CD Player Recommendations… 1456281
Schiit Bifrost Multibit vs. Arcam irDAC14021
Bang for the buck vs. “money no object” cable recommendations 992054
Quick Poll on USB Cable: Audioquest Carbon or Shunyata Venom?25923
Integrated recommendation for Revel F30287711
Owners of Vandersteen 2CE & Ayre Ax7e...203614
Musical Fidelity A-Series: which is the best of this group?13436
Classic Integrated Question: Krell or Classe? 298714
Which is better with Redbook CD’s: Sony XA5400ES or McCormack UDP-1?10610
CD player options with Krell integrated & Vandy 2C 17197
Cable choices for Cairn, Naim & Vandersteen20264
Poll: Naim owners, what cabling are you using? DIN? RCA? NACA5? Other?958011
Naim Nait Integrateds... Sound Quality Comparison, User Comments and Bang for the Buck1068319
Integrated recommendation with Vandersteen 2C444320
Best budget A/C cable for Krell?24996