
Discussions jsbach1685 has started

Anyone streaming at 320kbps? If so...23782
Which to choose: Schiit Modi Multibit, Arcam irDAC or Theta DS Pro Prime?83973
Best used DAC for $250? 816720
Sound Quality Comparison: Micromega MyDAC -or- PS Audio Digital Link III (stock)25330
Which DAC from this list sounds best with my system: Atoll, Micromega, PS Audio, Simaudio?56599
bookshelf speaker recommendation with Creek & Arcam20795
What two components together would sound the best from this list:27526
$500 (or less) CD players to mate w/ Marantz PM8004 & Vandersteen 2C29827
Amp recommendations with a budget of $675 to mate with...25758
Looking for CD player recommendations that are a great match with Classe & Vandersteen300318
Best integrated from this list...976831
Best "laid-back" speaker cable & interconnects for all Naim system? 902823
Quick Poll: Which of the following systems sounds best with Vandersteen 2C's? 35828
Best Cable Match for: Naim Nait 5i + Naim CD3.5 + Vandersteen 2C's?62095
Jumpers for Integrated Amps: What are you guys using? 1359025