McIntosh MC 2106: HUM!!!

Hi. Please give reasons WHY. It’s out of both speakers, suddenly yesterday when I disconnected/ connected , more/ less components. Thank you….

all internal components were replaced. Fuse is solid.Sorry 2105 model. 


Hi Moose - looks like you answered your own question.  One of the (however many) components you disconnected/connected is either not connected properly,  is using a cable that has issues, or is plugged into a different AC circuit than it was in previously.  Start with the basics- amplifier and speakers with nothing else connected.  If no hum, then connect the pre/pro. - If humming- there is your problem.  If not, then connect first source and keep repeating until you find the culprit.   Good Luck!

I called McIntosh tech. They suspect a transformer because the L gain hum increases with additional volume while the R channel hum volume stays the same. (Testing without any components). They suggest finding some to test it.

You might try one of the other speaker outputs. That will use different windings on the autoformer transformer.