

Responses from kingsleuy

Why do you think Bi-Wiring improves the sound ?
Oddly my girlfriend and I just spoke about this last week while she was painting my fingernails.  Coronavirus social distancing is getting to her.Digressing.  We have this Plate Lunch equivalent purchase values.  She freaked when I bought MIT biwi... 
Is there such a thing as too much power?
Not all Watts are equal.  That's why one 50watt amplifier may sound better than another 50watt amp.  We drove a pair of Dahlquist DQ10s with a pair of 80wpc Stax amplifiers to uncomfortable levels that a 300wpc Kenwood could not achieve.  Of cours... 
End of the World system
I would move ALL my belongings 20 miles to that stereo shop.Screw living in the woods with one system.  
I'm interested in hearing what "the best" systems sound like, where to go?
Oooohhh boy.  Is the thousand dollars you mention happen to be hundreds of thousand?  If you are more or less satisfied with your system don't even go there.   If by chance you come upon it, great.  If you seek to experience "The Very Best", find ... 
Futterman. Jump in? Or, not so fast...
Go for it!!When I spoke to Julius about my H3aa, he said:- Matched tubes weren't needed.  The tube set can be "Balanced" via the balance pot and measuring pins in the 7pin socket to ground.  Pins 5 and 7 comes to mind.  But it has been a few years... 
WD-40 for electronics
wd40, NO.  But I had used it to free it up a frozen volume control on an old  (antique?) table radio.  But later  flushed it out with a regular contact cleaner.   I have had very good results using Radio Shack's Tuner Cleaner. I think wd40 was use...