

Responses from kingsleuy

Well well JeffVegas. You answered your own question.  Which is neither ARC or VTL.I personally feel there is NO company, tube, solid state or hybrid that is KING over the others.  Each has their own idiosyncrasies. Good or bad. Sometimes good a... 
Guys, this is part of the issue I am asking about in my other thread...
From the pictures online it looks like a 3AG fuse holder.  The cap unscrews and the fuse is held in a cup on the cap.  The 3AG fuses are 1/4" diameter x 1 1/4" long.  Which are just about the universal glass fuses used. Usually they manufacture w... 
Lay Off the Newbies!
Yes totally agree.  We were all at one time "newbies" to the hobby.  For myself there was no Internet to seek information.  I had to learn by listening to equipment at audio stores. Few exist now.  Sales people.  Local audiophiles.  Audio magazine... 
Do any of you kids , want your system ???
I divorced 30 some years ago and my kids have no Idea what I have. So I keep a list in my Documents Case.  Pictures and where they are of items with the values of them.  So they can take those things and do as they please.  Landfill everything els... 
Balancing sound to sharpen dialogue?
I ran into something similar to this a couple years ago.  A friend said he had trouble hearing the dialogue of his movies.  When he turned up the volume, everything got louder.  The voices were still lower.Went to his home and took a listened.  CD... 
How to find the min and max bending radius of a cable.
It depends on what the cable is made of. The arc the wire or cable naturally want to form. Here is my way of determining.Take arms length of cable and bring them together into one hand.  Hold it above your head.  That arc it makes on the bottom is... 
At This Time Can We Recreate Full Range Live Music In The Home?
No.  It's all a recreated illusion.  And I'm glad of it.1.  In my apartment, every disk I play Always sounds exactly the same.  Never had I been attended a Live Performance and gotten EXACTLY the same performance as the night or two ago playing th... 
Has Anyone Ever Run TWO Identical Pairs of Speakers ?
Wouldn't you rather have one pair of high quality speakers instead of two pairs of mediocre speakers? Consider having two pairs of High Quality Speakers that perform mediocrely. 
Any audiophiles into motorcycles
I learned to ride on my brothers Yamaha Enduro.  1970?  Been riding every since.  When I move to Kona in 1996 I bought a Harley 883.  It had been my only transportation other then walking for 20 years. 18 years were 60 miles round trip to work, 4-... 
Lack of Female Representation
I called this thread to my girlfriend's attention.  Want to comment I asked?  "No".  So I will speak for her.  Put words into her mouth.  I am allowed to do this with Audio.  She doesn't care.I have met "Audiophile" women.  Walk the walk, talk the... 
What Is The Most Romantic Song That You Have Ever Listen To?
I don't know the title of this song or singer.  I heard it on a 24 hour no commercials or talk, all Christmas music nights.  Song was about this young man driving to a school Christmas party.  He saw this girl walking.  Picked her up.  Took her to... 
Cleaning house ~ Completely unclear on values if any
Reading thru this thread brought back a memory of years ago.   Pre Ebay.  Pre Internet.   Possibly of such "worthless" notion of value.Visiting my local Salvation Army I came across a pair of Accuphase units. Pre and Power amp.  Both of them.  $25... 
CD v Streamed
CD vs Streamed?My preference is CD. I Stream to find music that I enjoy.  Then I purchase the CD.Measurement = My Ears and Wallet. 
What Makes your System Special?
Finally ENJOYING the cheap system I have.All the electronics were expensive 1980's new but purchased broken cheap off of ebay. eg, shipping cost more than the unit. Well known brand speakers purchased very inexpensively off of craigslist.  More I ... 
When did you most enjoy the music?
Ah yes.  10 years old.  For me 60's-70's.  Simple beginnings.  It was all about enjoying the music.Now I would not (well, can not) remove the Tuner or Receiver, Turntable or Speakers from a tv/stereo console donated to the Salvation Army and purch...