

Responses from knotscott

Is Anyone Using Subwoofers the Same Size as Their Mids?
What are the speakers you're using?  
Integrateds: Luxman vs. Ayre?
Haven't heard the Ayre integrated, but was a big fan of Charlie Hanson.  I'd be shocked if it wasn't really good.    
Your greatest high end audio purchase!!!
Like you and many others, I began this quest in the early 80s with a receiver and decent speakers. Many amplifiers and speakers later, the hobby eventually led me to working with Merlin International speakers, and then a speaker business of my own... 
can subwoofers make things worse?
A sub shouldn’t detract if it’s setup well, and isn’t total junk. Depending on how you configurate it and the type of filters used, some subs offer a high pass filter to keep the lows out of your main speakers that theoretically could detract a bi... 
Advantages with an outboard power supply
There can be a lot of reasons why an outboard power supply might help, and it’ll depend a lot on the particulars of a given circuit and the PS specifics, but a good PS can certainly be an audible upgrade in some circumstances. I built a regulated... 
It's attention, not money, we should budget
Interesting point. My budget has always been nearly non-existent, so bargains and DIY options (time) have been a requirement in assembling my system. In that regard I’d have to agree whole heartedly because time invested can pay off big. If my in... 
15 in full range drivers
Some things need more help than they’re worth, but you’re really the only one that can decide whether to keep working on them or get rid of them. How optimized is the rest of your system, and how much experimenting with placement have you done? T... 
Is toeing speakers a bad idea?
Every room and every speaker is different.  Experiment and trust your ears.    
Young audiophile metal head looking to level up speaker choice
Speaker selection is extremely subjective, and room dependent.  Every room is different. Don’t be impressed with any brand or model or review at any price before listening to it. It’s easy to get swayed, but only your ears and heart can tell you f... 
(dons Helmet, kevlar vest and cup.) Biwiring Cornwall IVs any benefit?
@paqua123  Every room and setup is different, so YMMV.  
What to ask when buying used speakers?
Aside from the usual cosmetic, function, and seller's history, I'd ask if anything had ever been repaired or modified, or has any abnormalities when pushed hard.  Hopefully they'll answer that they never pushed them hard, and wouldn't know.  If th... 
My New Year’s Wish for my fellow audiophiles.
Assistance in selecting new speakers…
My suggestion is to discover the whole world of speakers outside of KEF.... not slamming KEF, but they’re one speaker manufacturer amongst dozens and dozens. It’s ironic, but there are no loyalty obligations in the world of high "fidelity" . 😂 Va... 
Tung-Sol 7581A......Wow!!
I'm late to this party, but my experience with the TS 7581A is similar to yours....I even have the Latino VTA mods on my Dyna 70 amp, except mine are run as a pair of single chair monoblocks. I’m also coming from a set of really good GL KT66 that ... 
Capacitors for Audio Research Reference 5se
If after a suitable burn in time you're still not getting the sound you want, you might consider running some small bypass caps in parallel with the ODAMs that won't change the value enough to impact their electrical duties, but that might offer a...