

Responses from lak

Speaker cable recommendations
Lots of good information above and quite honestly the choices are unlimited making a selection very difficult without auditioning the speaker cables in your own system. With that said let me add to the list the Lavricables Grand cables 5N silver, ... 
Now that High Fidelity Cables is no longer, what cables are you upgrading to?
+1 willgolf @louisl or continue to purchase used HFC if you like the sound.  
REL speakon connection to amp vs speakers
@pbomberg you definitely want to connect your T/9's using the Speakon connector and connect to your amps speaker output that your speaker cables are on, for several reasons which REL explains in their videos. https://rel.net/blog/2018-01-04/how-to... 
Another cable question
@bikeboy52 sorry for not getting back to you sooner regarding a 100% silver digital cable. I was finally able to complete my setup and burn-in of a silver Reference Digital Cable, sounds good at all frequencies with no harshness, but I'm a firm be... 
New Project RS2T transport
I received my RS2T 1/5/23 but was not able to implement it into an audio setup in my Greatroom (at least that's what the builder called it LOL) until yesterday. So far so good, and it sounds very good along with my Remyo DAP-777 Dac. I did notice... 
What Power Cords for Rel S510 Subs?
I upgraded my Baseline Blue Speakon high-level input cables on my REL's by building my own cables with better wire (Meddiabridge 12 gauge) and Neutrik NL4FC Speakon cable connectors. Definitely an improvement in sound from the REL subwoofers at a ... 
Cheapest but good cables….
Cheapest but good cables….
+1 dekay  
Couple of OCC Speaker Cable Options
@mceljo, as I mentioned in my first post on this forum, I just had to try those cables because I was watching a YouTube video that Steve Huff made and he spoke highly of that speaker cable. After a break-in on my cable cooker, sure enough, those s... 
Best Power Cable Component Hierarchy
Your results will vary depending on components and synergy however in my systems I have usually found the following: (Dac, Transport, CDP), Preamp, Amp. +1 mwh777 & marco1  
Best Silver Cables For Hifiman Arya Headphones
+2 Lavricables  
New Project RS2T transport
I was told a few weeks ago by Walter (Underwood HIFi) that they did not have and could not get any RS2 Transports.  
Cable advice
You will receive varying opinions regarding your question. I really don't think there is any one correct answer it all depends on each person's equipment and the synergy developed between components and cabling. I have systems that I like that are... 
Are There Improvements that Can Be Easily and Quickly Made Without Buying More Stuff?
I'd say that this is a huge open-ended question. Perhaps if you tell us what you don't like about the sound of your system that will facilitate better answers. I'll suggest that you try positioning your speakers in many different positions, angle... 
Another cable question
This could be helpful in general regarding silver cables in general: