

Responses from lak

CD transports
@bigkidz are you speaking of the Pro-Ject RS2 T? If you are, do you know where a new one can be purchased from?    
Has anyone heard of Audiocadabra cables?
Sorry, I can't answer your original question. Is the cable all silver or copper clad with silver? That would make a big difference in sound.    
Power cable break in?
I don't know if the Synergistic Reference Master coupler will lose its bloatedness and improve the pitch definition with use however you could purchase some inexpensive adapters and use the Reference Master coupler on your refrigerator for a week ... 
Power cable dilemma
Out of curiosity what is the name of the high-end power cord you purchased several years ago that you spoke of in your original question?  
The revolution has begun!
I'm very impressed with the quality of music I'm hearing with my Mini GaN 5 Power Amplifier.  
I'm looking to add sub-woofers to my system...
I have used REL subwoofers to accomplish the same goals with single drivers. I agree with jeffseight +1.  
Reterminating Audioquest Hurricane HC
@clearthinker I should have been more specific and said I tested the VooDoo 15 to 20 and 20 to 15 adapters and did not notice a degradation in sound/music.    
What is your opinion of single driver speakers
Single-driver speakers can be dynamic and sound good however they really need one or two separate powered subwoofers as most multiple speakers need.  
Zu for Pass Labs?
Correct, but that's only my opinion.        
Reterminating Audioquest Hurricane HC
Personally, I would purchase an adapter from VooDoo. I have tested many of their adapters and heard no difference in sound.  
Zu for Pass Labs?
@superelmar Zu for Pass Labs: YES would work and sound very good. Omen MK II has a Similar sound with improved bass, mids, and an improved high end.    
Thought I’d share: Nicely done and practical DAC review
@mapman, thanks for the post, I enjoyed reading it and I probably would have not been aware of it on my own.    
Where to put your best power cable?
I have found that sometimes the 14 gauge will sound a bit better on front-end components as opposed to a larger gauge wire.  
Would silver cables beat UP-OCC copper?
@soxi I totally agree.    
Where to put your best power cable?
@christianb5s4 I'd recommend either the FINA OCC POWER CABLE 14AWG MKII or The Atlantic.