
Responses from lanx0003

Best light weight full range speaker recommendation.
Goldenear Triton Reference, 12hz-35khz, around $10k, 110 lbs. (class A in Sterophile) Wilson SabrinaX, 31hz-23khz, around 20k, 112 lbs. Focal Sopra 3, 33hz-40khz, around 20k, 154 lbs. I still do not comprehend why you care about the weight at t... 
Integrating a subwoofer
Thank you all for the advises and corrections. While waiting for the LOC to arrive, I will go over these suggestions before devoting to a DSP. Also, I replace the softer rubber feet with the anti-vibration isolation pads that was used for washer a... 
Does Time alignment and Phase coherency make for a better loudspeaker?
A simple experiment can be conducted to testify if the time alignment affects anything audible. Take a pair of speakers that you think have a good image, tilt the front panel back and take a serious listening again to see if the imaging gets throw... 
$39K for the Linn Klimax DAC/streamer?
Consider donating that money to the needy.  
The return of the DIYer
Don't get me wrong. I have tremendous respect to the DIYers who has abundant knowledge about how the electronics work, crossover design, tuning the SPL to achieve optimal sound performance, etc. and I wish to become one to ultimately fabricate my... 
The return of the DIYer
I do NOT regard buying DIY kits off the shelf from a company selling those kits and building it according to the pre-designed and fabricated components such as crossover a DIY project.  Those projects are just replication of the existing design th... 
High Fidelity Sound Speaker
ultimate one... showcasing the TAD R1 guess who design it...- Andrew Jones. 
Top 3 songs to evaluate a system
bigkidz:  I listen for piano first. What does that sound like as most music is in the mid-range. To me SS cannot offer the piano sound I prefer as the decay of the notes is to my ears to fast. Tubes seem to delay the decay which I prefer as to ... 
Top 3 songs to evaluate a system
I recommend the followings to name a few:1. TakeDake: #6 Japanese Roots- breadth and depth of soundstage, instrument separation and dynamics;2. Voodoo by John Zorn & The Sonny Clark Memorial Quartet- bass, edgeness of alto saxophone, keyboar... 
Parasound A21+ vs Adcom GFA-585se
Being a happy owner of Parasound A23 and NC 2125, I second Parasound.  Their solid and agil bass in particular attracts me to move from Cambridge Azur 851A to Parasound.  However, I do agree with one of the comments that why do you limit yourself ... 
What speaker has the best tweeter?
Are they made of gold?