
Responses from larryi

What phono stage candidates should I consider?
I wonder if the difference in experience noted above for the Tron is an issue of compatibility. Anyone care to say what cartridge they were using for their auditions? 
What phono stage candidates should I consider?
Mr. Terry,Do you have any idea how much the Tron Seven will be sold for? It is not yet described on any website. 
What phono stage candidates should I consider?
More great ideas thanks! I did not know that Viva makes a phono stage. I've heard their latest amps, which I think sound pretty good, which is an encouraging sign. I think I have a channel to get in the Viva. The Klyne is also an interesting recom... 
What would you say is the better sounding SET amp?
This is an interesting thread. I've sort of forgotten about a number of amps that posters here have brought up. I too, like the Art Audio PX-25 -- a nice and lively amp that sounds rich, without being bloated. I also like the Viva Solista.On the c... 
What phono stage candidates should I consider?
Thanks everyone for your help. I've been going back and forth on the step up transformer issue. One of the best phono stages I heard had a step up transformer, but it is a custom-built unit designed specifically for a very low output Allaerte cart... 
What would you say is the better sounding SET amp?
Different horses for different courses. Aside from the difference in power output, the tubes do differ in ways that make one or the other more ideal in a particular application. I generally find the 45 tube to have an ideal tonal balance and beaut... 
Gradient Revolution
The only experience I have with this speaker is hearing the active version at two different CES shows. In both cases they were set up in small rooms, with the speaker quite close to the walls. In fact, one room was not much larger than a walk-in c... 
Are extended warranties necessary on plasmas?
Most extended warranties are a big money maker for the issuer, and therefore, a ripoff for the consumer. However, if I were to consider one, it would be for a plasma. That is because a failure of the panel, whether catastrophic, or more than a few... 
Rysa4,I am shocked at your obvious, and unfounded bias against Elcaset. Remember that format?I might be waiting this one out a bit. I bet winners and losers will be settled by something like: which one is adopted into the most popular game system. 
Schroeder vs. Triplanar VII Sonic Differences
Rgordonpf,I would be annoyed by the kind of care needed to set down a periphery clamp without accidentally swinging into the cartridge cantilever.But, there is no inconvenience or danger whatsoever from the skirt on a vacuum holdown. The skirt doe... 
best preamp ever - cost is no object
I've heard a few of the contenders, some in systems I am familiar with, others in somewhat alien systems. One of the best systems I heard had the Audionote (uk) M-10 linestage and phono stage. But, that is a huge and extremely costly setup (well o... 
Schroeder vs. Triplanar VII Sonic Differences
I can appreciate the concerns expressed over the complex operation of the Kuzma arm. Long ago, I owned a Maplenoll table with an air bearing arm and air suspended platter. It came with a cheap aquarium piston pump and nothing else (no dehydrator, ... 
Spikes versus Rubber on wood floor?
Whether to couple, decouple and dampen, etc., is determined by experiment. Theory does not help because whether any result is positive or negative depends on a wide range of factors. With a suspended wood floor, coupling will mean that the floor w... 
Upcoming plasma 1080p tv's vs Sony SXRD LoCS?
I own an SXRD set (the Qualia 70" RPTV), so obviously, I like that technology. But, that is not to say that plasmas are not acceptable. They can look very good and may be better in some applications. Where light control is not very good, the highe... 
Schroeder vs. Triplanar VII Sonic Differences
I read somewhere that the agreement between Herb Papier that granted Tri Mai the rights to manufacture the Triplanar arm specified that the design could not be changed for a certain number of years. Perhaps this is why the design seems frozen for ...