
Responses from larryi

Starting a Classical Vinyl Music Collection
I probably have 1,000 classical LPs.  I almost never listen to them.  I do have, and listen to classical CDs ripped to a streamer.  I MUCH prefer listening to classical digitally— no awkward breaks in programming, easy to find place in libretti wh... 
Horns and 2in Drivers
Your profile says that you have a JBL 2426H driver.  Isn’t that a 1” exit driver?  Not that i would insist that any particular design is inherently better than another.  I like the sound of certain compression drivers and all of them are old excep... 
RIP Melanie Safka
I don't know about coy and childish.  Isn't the song pretty much all sexual innuendo?  What did people think was the roller skate and what was the key?  
Is more amp power always better...?
Some designers claim that paralleling multiple output devices to get higher output degrades the sound.  The original Dartzeel amps were based on the philosophy of minimizing output devices (only two were used per channel), but, demands from the ma... 
Obvious Epiphany
Yes, balance control is a necessity.  Remote volume control is a necessity—even small changes, and track-to-track changes are helpful, and you will never really know when volume is just right if you have to constantly jump up to make changes.  But... 
Horns and 2in Drivers
If by 2", you mean the diameter of the diaphragm, I utilize such drivers.  I run a pair of Western Electric 713b drivers feeding a KS 12025 sectoral horn.  This is a great sounding combination.  The Western Electric 555 field coil drivers also hav... 
I took Frank Zappa’s advice
If you think something might be off with your system (bad power supply capacitor) when listening to Frank, what you might be hearing is just Dinah Moe Hum.  
Integrated for Devore O/93
I really like the Synthesis Audio A40 (KT 66 tube).  It comes with a built-in DAC that is no slouch.  A local dealer that sells these things gets in trades of gear costing MUCH more than the A40.  I have not heard the A40 with DeVore speakers, but... 
Obvious Epiphany
What direction the sound appears to be coming from, including the phantom cener image, is dependent on two cues—the relative loudness of the sound and the ‘timing” cue—how much how much sooner one signal arrives vs. the other.  By moving closer to... 
How noisy is my line? Audio Prism Noise Sniffer
I saw the meter reading and demodulated noise from the meter speaker on a dedicated line running from a very expensive dedicated subpanel.  There was still, somewhat high level of noise, that was substantially reduced by a powerline conditioner.  ... 
list of speakers
Some other brands that make good speakers, in my opinion, include Songer Audio and Pure Audio Project.  
How noisy is my line? Audio Prism Noise Sniffer
Google “powerline noise analyzer” or “powerline noise sniffer.”  The typical meter has a numerical readout in some units, such as parts per thousand, and they also have a mini speaker that plays a demodulated form of the noise so you can identify ... 
list of speakers
A nice list with a LOT of labor behind it.  But as others have mentioned, there are many brands missing, including some major manufacturers.  For just the letter A, I notice several brands that I like a lot thar are missing—Acapella Acoustics, Ari... 
2a3 ?
When my local Audio Note desler first set up the ultra expensive AN-E SEC, he chose Audio Note’s Kageki (parallel SET 2a3 amp).  He used the same amp when setting up the top AN-J model.  The sound of both speakers was magnificent. i own the Kagek... 
2a3 ?
I have heard some SET amps running the big transmitter tubes, including a 1610 tube, and I have not heard any that surpassed the lower powered SETs when playing speakers of high enough efficiency such that no amp was being forced to play out of th...