
Responses from larryi

Are Lampizator DACs uniquely analog sounding?
They are quite a bit more analogue sounding than most DACs, but that does not make them unique.  Audio Note DACs deliver a similar kind of sound.  
Looking to move to a Tube Integrated setup
There is MUCH more variability in the sound of tube gear than there is between high end solid state gear.  For my particular taste, there are many high-powered tube amps that I don't like--many sound hard and brittle and less "pleasant" than most ... 
Ugliest Component of the Year 2024!
The person who owns these horns cares ONLY about the sound.  He puts together custom systems that are much more practical than ones with that giant horn.  That horn was meant to be used in theaters where it was hidden behind screens or curtains so... 
Ugliest Component of the Year 2024!
I have another anatomically suggestive speaker system for you to consider.  It is the Western Electric 16A horn from the 1920's.  I know someone who owns two of these beasts.  Although it has two drivers, it is a single midrange horn.  I've heard ... 
Ugliest Component of the Year 2024!
DeKay, Holy s**t, that is a real looker, although what looks like a port when the thing is closed is really going too far.  I recall people talking about putting toilet paper over the tweeter on Klipsch Heresy speakers; toilet paper stuffed in th... 
Ugliest Component of the Year 2024!
LEDs tend to increase noise to the power supply circuit.  Perhaps, that improves the sound of some gear where noise is preferable to what the amp puts out.  
Ugliest Component of the Year 2024!
The Washington Post did an article where a non-audiophile reporter went to a local high end shop.  The reporter described the Avantegarde speakers as looking like an air raid siren from a Tex Avery cartoon.  I thought that was a terrific descripti... 
Is all the hype warranted
   SET is an acronym for single-ended triode.  It is a very simple circuit that permits a single output tube per channel.  While simple might suggest low cost, this type of amp requires a special type of transformer that must be large, and therefo... 
Is all the hype warranted
Sensitivity specifications from manufacturers cannot really tell you about how easy or hard it is to drive a speaker.  Most often, supposedly compatible high efficiency speakers fall flat when it comes to real world capability.  But, the opposite ... 
Check This Out!
I hope it utilizes bleeder resistors; it would be unpleasant to be vaporized when poking around inside something like that.  
Is all the hype warranted
Depending on room size, preferred listening levels, and how easy it is to drive you 92 db/w speaker, a very low-powered amp may or may not be suitable.  To be on the safe side, you might want to look at something on the 20 watts or more range of p... 
Is all the hype warranted
I've heard three Decware amps, including the Zen Torii, and none of them impressed me.  They sounded pleasant, reasonably warm and smooth, but, they seemed "whimpy" to me--lacking in dynamics and the vivid and lively quality I expect from good tub... 
Check This Out!
Where did this company come from?  I was extremely impressed with their open baffle speaker system.  They seemed to have popped into existence with a wide range of product which includes both electronics and speakers.  
Garrard 301 - Project
I like Telefunkens, but, I never considered them to be tonally rich sounding tubes.  The ones I heard were very lively and dynamic sounding, but, considerably leaner than the likes of Mullard and Amperex.  The Telefunkens that I ended up using in ... 
How to restart tube amp and pre in boxes for 2yrs
Yes, a device to monitor voltage and current draw of the amp is the best approach.  I've seen situations where even at a low voltage setting when powering up, the current draw appears too high so one knows there is a problem somewhere when well be...