Responses from lloydc
Vintage Receiver: TANDBERG, MARANTZ, or…? Sansui, Luxman, or Tandberg would be preferable to Pioneer or Technics, which were thought to be characterized by a bright, irritating high end, back in the day. | |
Cartridge impedance loading question thanks to Atmasphere, this is the most informative discussion of cartridge loading I've ever seen! | |
Starting a thread and then disappearing Why do you think an OP should re-post in a thread? If his question is answered - or more likely, various completely different opinions are offered - no further input from the OP is required. Occasionally, an actual answer deserves a thank-you, but... | |
Attn Vinyl lovers - what CD Player do you use? My digital is antique: Muse model 2 dac, Pioneer PD-65,Genesis digital Lens. Naturally, I wonder if "modern technology" would improve things, but since the digital lens virtually eliminates jitter, and many complain about oversampling. | |
Describe ube sound vs solid state drop a tube amp, it sounds like breaking glass. SS, not so much. SS amps rarely noisy explosion sounds, but tube amps have that capability. | |
What companies, out of Business, did you LOVE??? Phase Linear speakers (which were made by Pioneer) | |
Anybody a high-end pen collector here? I collected pens as a young man, but eventually wised up. However, I use a Parker Duofold ballpoint daily (about $300 now) that I got in about 1996, that often impresses clients. It has a Lifetime Warranty! Parker replaced it twice (the design was... | |
Girlfriends and wifes, how do YOU cope? Never put girlfriend and wife in the same listening room.My ex never could grasp how to turn on my system, even when I provided a simple one page summary of which 8 switches to use, and the correct order to do it in. But I was lucky. | |
Tony Bennett & Lady Gaga?...Gag Me? Lady Gaga is a she? | |
Dorm room audio a teen who doesn't listen exclusively to ear buds through her computer? amazing. | |
Anyone of you ever heard of Dissanayake? kind of like Shindo, only red instead of green? | |
DAC improvements slowing down? are recent advances in jitter reduction really an improvement over my old genesis digital lens? (limited to 16/44)? | |
Professional Audio Calibrator recommendation plz OP, please explain why everyone turned you down. People cringe over eq because it wrecks phase response. | |
Grover Huffman GH RCA ZX+ cables vs... What cable does Sabai sell? I want to be sure to avoid it. | |
DAC improvements slowing down? it's irritating, like the BBC. |