

Responses from lloydc

Artists that use the same song structure...
+2 for Frogman. Blues consists almost entirely of 12-bar or 8-bar forms, although the older generation often ignored (or lost track of) the time count, when they felt like it ("Lightnin' strike where lightnin' want." Lightning Hopkins.) SRV achiev... 
Why does most new music suck?
Anyone here read, "The Song Machine, Inside the Hit Factory" by John Seabrook? Apparently modern pop is created much like Muzak was. " Painstakingly crafted to tweak the brain's delight in melody, rhythm, and repetition, these songs are highly pro... 
What would you do?
Chayro, I've practiced law for 33 years, so far. 
What would you do?
Free legal advice is worth what you pay for it.Don't entirely agree with Chayro, because truth is an absolute defense to a libel or slander suit, and there are jurisdictional issues - they likely have to sue you in your state and county. It depend... 
A new player in the quality Mono cartridge game
Thanks for the heads-up. 
Tone of Muisc, SF - worst hifi experience. Yours?
Agree with OP. Thanks for the warning about Tim the narcissist. 
Does anyone else think this
OP is correct. Youngsters listen to headphones. My teen is barely interested in a decent dac for his laptop. I don't know of a single teen with an actual stereo. I guess a few have been handed down by us. Nothing like the summer I worked just to b... 
Does alcohol impair appreciation of sound?
music improves drinking. 
How important is bass to you?
if bass really matters, why do so many people buy stand-mounted "monitor" speakers? They don't sound much like real music, to me, because of the lack of bass. 
Disappointing audition after great review
A question in which you fail to identify the component to which you refer is worthless. 
Tone arm upgrade
+1 on Origin Live. I had the same upgrades to an RB300 as you, but upgrading to an OL Encounter was a revelation. Vastly superior. Have since moved up to an OL Conqueror, and really have no further urge to change arms. 
Songs that trigger you to switch the station or...
Chicago. Blood Sweat and Tears. Journey is masterfully irritating. my teenage son had to play "Don't Stop Believing" in marching band during a football game that was a blowout. Pure torture. 
Theres a firesale of the Modwrights oppo 105 units
4K blueray players are bound to be out soon, perhaps this Christmas, so this is probably the best time to unload a 105 before the next models come out and the value plummets. 
Japan - Recommendations
+1 Czarivey has his priorities straight! 
Audiogon has no 'likes'
Czarivey, can we assume that "perfect as-is" was sarcasm?recently they seem to have broken the picture function, now pics frequently must be opened one at a time.