

Responses from ltmandella

What is the science behind audiophile fuses?
How Much Do Aesthetics Factor Into Your Decisions?
Me never. Sound is all that matters.  Now having said that, I kicked the old lady out a couple years ago, so I no longer have to worry about WAF.  
UPS Driver Literally Drops Package with New Hana Umami Red
ALL electronics should be marked clearly on all sides of the package "FRAGILE - GLASS CONTENTS - DO NOT DROP" When the drivers see "GLASS" they take notice.  Otherwise for all they know it is a book or t-shirt, etc.  
Any High End Tube Preamps with *gasp tone controls?
Transcendent Sound "The Fixer".  I believe it is zero gain. I know it is a kit, but there are folks on the Transcendent forum who would be happy to assemble the kit for you for a fee. You will be shocked at the sound quality of the Transcendent a... 
Who to trust when buying vintage ss ?
I agree with others who say that "vintage" is high risk.  Also, technology has progressed so far and so fast in the last decade (dacs, class d, computer designed speakers) I would not recommend a newby start 10-20 years behind the curve.   For b... 
Does it make sense to "ignore low ball offers"?
I lowball occasionally.  When I do, I really don't care about the item that much, or if my offer is accepted.   I certainly don't expect it to be accepted. I mostly do it in case the seller is desperate or they simply want the item gone.  Also som... 
Recommendation Request for Tube Power Amplifier
I recommend Transcendent Sound OTL Tube amps.  Bruce engineers numerous OTL versions, using 300B or more affordable tubes.  And even a 50wpc into 2ohms "bruiser" (that one is not OTL). They are all kits but for a reasonable fee there are customer... 
How much hum is normal from a new tube amp
Hum should only be audible when you put your head about 6" or so from a speaker cone with volume set to your "normal" listening level. If it's audible from normal listening distance with your volume pot set to where you usually like to listen, so... 
Components that you regret parting with?
Really just for nostalgia: Large Advent speakers Boston Acoustics A40 speakers NAD 3020 amp Dual CS505 tt I guess I am dating myself :)  
AI and the future of music
I had a good friend who was an engineer for one of the commerical radio stations in S.F. He operated a pirate station for a couple years off and on, broadcasting from his home in the Richmond district, where I also lived. We hung out in the same... 
AI and the future of music
I don't have to worry about aliens.  I wear my tinfoil hat even to bed, and especially my tinfoil underwear to block those dern port probes!  
AI and the future of music
Mostly redundant to my previous post.  But that is the risk of AI generated cut-n-paste I guess.  
AI and the future of music
I didn't say it.  I guess you missed the point?  
AI and the future of music
😁  Took me about 30 seconds to generate the above.  
AI and the future of music
The future of music with AI is a topic that has been generating significant interest and speculation in recent years. As artificial intelligence continues to advance and permeate various industries, it is also making its mark on the music industr...