Some might say that it's just another example of mankind's elevated sense of self importance to even begin to think of resisting AI, nevermind still feeling superior in some mysterious way.
If the entire purpose of existence was to attempt to attain some godlike level of thought, then AI could be our shortcut.
We just need to find some way to safely fit those AI chips into our brains.
Who can guess the number of realms of ecstasy that might await us there?
At the very least, each one of us could attain a previously undreamt level of genius.
In the last 25 years chess engines have not only passed any previous level attained by any human but they getting better at a faster rate than we are.
It would appear to be true that we have been guilty of overestimating the human mind and its intelligence and those particular chickens will soon be coming home to roost.
Perhaps the invention of the pocket calculator was only the thin edge of the wedge?
We gave them an inch and they took everything.
"The future's coming fast and we can't run from it." as Billy Bragg once warned.