

Responses from marco1

Warm, Smooth yet Transparent Amp
Bruce, if I’m reading these posts correctly (label me “Mark on the slow”), what you’re intending to do can work as long as you know to wire the Oppo and Dish once to the new pre for 2 ch. listening and a second time to the existing receiver for su... 
Warm, Smooth yet Transparent Amp
I don't believe the Arcam has pre in, only pre out. I also don't believe you could go through stereo direct. I believe that input is to run a cd player direct to the amp section without processing the signal. Others who are more familiar with the ... 
Ideal way to set up the OPPO 105?
I'm pretty fortunate in that normally I have a strong wireless signal throughout the house. Occasionally I'll drop the signal but not often enough to worry about it.I was primarily wondering if sonically the signal might improve.Thanks again every... 
Ideal way to set up the OPPO 105?
Yes it did. Thank you very much. 
Ideal way to set up the OPPO 105?
Hgeifman just curious when you say a wired connection is better do you also mean better sonically? 
Warm, Smooth yet Transparent Amp
Hi Bruce:We are about the same age with the same musical tastes. I've been dabbling in this hobby for 40+ years not that it qualifies me in any way as an expert. I could tell you a thing or two that you probably shouldn't do however. I'm also very... 
MF M1Clic - Adding Velodyne sub
Hmmm, seems like we've scared the OP away with all this "technical" stuff :-). As a self proclaimed non-audiophile who's probably not looking to tinker til the cows come home, it was my initial thought that he (or she) already has what's needed fo... 
MF M1Clic - Adding Velodyne sub
I'm not familiar with your equipment, but on paper it would seem you have what you need for 2ch listening. Speakers go down to 35 Hz. Mono block amps put out 200 watts into 4 ohm's. You should have plenty of bass, unless you listen to organ music ... 
best smartphone for music?
I think the OP is asking about streaming music.FWIW I just got the latest greatest Droid Maxx. I hear no difference streaming Pandora from the 3yr old Android that it replaced. 
Building an audio room - 12x22 - electrical plan?
Good response from Peter. I ran 4 dedicated 20amp circuits a few years ago and find that I need more now. 
Totem model 1 with svs sb13 ultra or Forest
Your amp should drive the Mani's as well. Keep in mind however that all three Totem options you are (now) considering thrive on good electronics. I know you don't want to and you really don't have to, but an upgrade in amplification will be very r... 
Totem model 1 with svs sb13 ultra or Forest
Your amp should drive the Forrest with no problem. I've owned Model One's and combined them with 2 Velodyne DD12 subs. Also owned the Forrest's and Mani's. IMO your best option would be the Mani's. Net cost will be more but the improvement over Mo... 
CJ ET3SE OR 16LS Series 2
Notwithstanding the price point of the models you've listened to, you should still have an idea which house sound you prefer. I'm assuming it was CJ, that's why in your OP you asked about the CJ line. I'd recommend following your gut. Additionally... 
CJ ET3SE OR 16LS Series 2
AR & CJ are very different. You need to listen for yourself to decide which House Sound you prefer. FWIW I owned AR once. Switched to CJ and never looked back. 
CJ ET3SE OR 16LS Series 2
I own a Premier 16 Series 2 that I am very happy with. Have not heard the ET3SE so I can't offer any advice regarding which may be your better option. Regarding age issues, the CJ units in general are very well built and typically use very good pa...