

Responses from markalarsen

Dynaudio C20 vs other monitors in the 4-7k range
+1 Joseph Audio Pulsars.  
If you could just pick one instrument that you think sounds best on your speakers
+1 Saxophone. And human voices. @elizabeth 
PS Direct Stream latest firmware, "Snowmass"
Snowmass is amazing.  
What’s a 10k to 15k speaker from smaller company that performs well?
+1 Joseph Audio Perspectives  
Curious what people think is the best "value" high end speaker (~5K to 15K)
Speaker Jumpers
Cardas may be able to reterminate your speaker cables so they are bi-wired. Call them.  
Curious what people think is the best "value" high end speaker (~5K to 15K)
Ok. Joseph Audio Perspectives. Also, think about going to an audio show. It will give you a good idea, but there are some bad set ups. An audio show also will dissuade you from purchasing some what may be your favorite pick based on suggestions co... 
Curious what people think is the best "value" high end speaker (~5K to 15K)
You should find a speaker you personally love and then ask how much it costs. It is not a good value if you want to replace it a year later.  
Looking for an amp....Opinions about Odyssey or Bel Canto audio anyone?
Consider the new Bel Canto REF600M monoblocks. They are extraordinarily good at there price point. I have owned the REF600M and the REF1000M. The 600M is a noticeable improvement. Great company btw.  
Solder, Lead free or leaded?
Banned by EU.  
Accuracy vs. musicality
I think musicality and accuracy are the same thing; they are not mutually exclusive.  
Your last concert was to see who and when?
Lyle Lovett’s Big Band at the Eccles Center, Salt Lake City. 
Looking for speaker recommendations
+1 Joseph Audio 
Cover songs that are better than the originals.
The Rolling Stones’ cover of Robert Johnson’s “Love in Vain” 
Best Speaker cable in the $400.00-$500.00 range for 2 meters
Kimber 8TC