Responses from markalarsen
Bryston 4b3 or BHK 250- how woudl you compare them? I have tried an older Bryston 7BB and did not like it. I love the PS Audio BHK Signature 250. The ability to roll tubes in this hybrid amp keeps it interesting. Try it, and I doubt you will send it back. Seriously one of the best of dozens of amps... | |
Contemplating DEVORE SPEAKERS (and others)....LONG audition report of many speakers @prof Sorry to hear the bad news. I hope you recover quickly. I was thinking of you while listening to music you may hate. I was considering stepping up to the Pearl 3s and selling my Perspectives, but the Perspectives sound great and have terrifi... | |
Does anyone have any experience of hybrid valve and solid state power amps? PS Audio BHK Signature 300 | |
Bel Canto Dac 3.7 in 2018? I still have a Bel Canto 3.7 and it sounds great. | |
Connect a sub to stereo system DEQX | |
Bel Canto ACI600 vs Black EX Sepates Rocky Mountain Audio Fest is the next show | |
Bel Canto ACI600 vs Black EX Sepates Our Black EX system is driving YG Acoustic Carmels with a subwoofer. The Black EX brought them to life. My wife said the Black EX “has balls.” I, however, do not think it has a gender. My wife now spontaneously wants to dance. Some songs give... | |
Bel Canto ACI600 vs Black EX Sepates We own the Bel Canto Black EX. It is $1K more than the ASC 600, but I like the added inputs. The Black EX DAC is SOTA, including Ethernet input. Its filers easily allow intergration of a subwoofer, if you go that route. | |
Joseph Audio dealers That is a standard provision in most dealership agreements. | |
PS Audio BHK preamp and amp rundown What speakers are you using? | |
What has your audiophile experience taught you about yourself? @elizabeth It is not you. There are people on this site who are often wrong but never uncertain. They are smarter than everyone else, never test there theories and will not let facts interfere with their opinions. | |
What has your audiophile experience taught you about yourself? The only important criteria is emotional involvement. Specs are meaningless. Integrating the room and the speakers is critical. Not all all equipment using the same components sounds the same. Implementation is everything. I am paying for intellec... | |
What has your audiophile experience taught you about yourself? +1 @jond. | |
What has your audiophile experience taught you about yourself? +1 @elizabeth | |
Please help me find perfect dac for me +1 Empirical Audio Overdrive SE @audioengr |