
Responses from markpao

Recommendation on speakers with bass adjustibility
You should take a look at the Zu Definition IV. Actually a down firing sub woofer built into the speaker with it's own fully adjustable amp. About 1/2 what your cost limit is but worth a listen. I had mine set up in a room a bit larger than yours ... 
Your audio rack and laminate floating floors
Lak, I'm sure there is going to be a (big?) difference between a nailed down floor and a floating type. I did get the coupling disks from Robert at Star Sound as I have his Audio Points under my speakers. Not sure how they'll work with the Steve B... 
Best cartridge for VPI Scoutmaster Signature
Another vote for the Dynavector XX2mk2. I use it on my Aries 1. Great synergy. I could also recommend the Benz line. I had the Ruby 3 prior to my Dyna but decided to go for a cartridge with the needle out front were it's easier to align (with thes... 
Condition of speakers
I wouldn't expect "mint" condition speakers, or any other component for that matter, to be all scratched up here on Audiogon. Even if it was the bottom. There are higher standards here. 
Ssssh, is your tube preamp really that quiet?
101 db Zu Definition 4 with an Art Audio dm VPS tube pre amp and Art Audio Carissa 16 watt SET tube amp- not a hint of noise at full volume, ear at tweeter, with no music playing.I suspect tubes? As mentioned above, try rolling your pre amps tubes... 
Best High Efficiency Bookshelf Speakers to buy
Zu Omen Bookshelf comes to mind. 97db efficiency and $1.00 under your budget. 
Bidding Frustration
Mitch,Nice job clearing this up. I want to point out that the OP stated that Audiogon responded "a counter is good for 48 hours unless the seller pulls the listing"This does seem to contradict their rule "The Seller has committed to hold the item ... 
Swap Mono amps Left for Right
I agree with what both Arnettpartners and BRF say.Try reversing the monos back the way the were and let us know the results. 
a strange noise now coming from my tube amp
What Swampwalker said.I will add that after you get your issue resolved (hopefully it's just a tube problem) that you purchase spare tubes to have for when these things happen.Good luck. 
How long does it take you to install a cartridge?
What Pops said,"do not attempt with any potential distractions. "Be 100% focused or risk a possible disaster with you cartridge.Takes me about 30 minutes for initial set up. That's using the VPI protractor. Then maybe another hour to get it spot o... 
Amp recommendation for Klipsch Heresy
Something different for you to consider- not a 70's or 80's amp, but I would recommend a rebuilt Baldwin amp by Will Vincent. He goes by member name "Autospec" here on the Gon. I haven't seen any for sale lately by Will himself, but they come up f... 
Vacuuming every time? LAST revisited?
"I don't think so, as you have not acquired an ultrasonic cleaner, the true hallmark of a 'nut'. ."I have one but don't consisder myself a nut (yet, but that's just my opinion). Just for those who don't care to spend a good part of our free time c... 
AudioDesk Systeme Record Cleaner
Does anybody know at about what serial number AD got their RC (more) reliable? Just wondering what I can expect down the road 
TW 10.5 arm overhang set up?
Doug, You clarified that better than I ever could have. The mirror is so important for those micro alignment adjustments. It's just not possible without it. Once you have a Mint or Wally (and use it to its fullest advantage) you will see (and hear... 
TW 10.5 arm overhang set up?
To Dgad,"Card Stock", as in index card?If so, just curious, how did you get the mirror reflection on this card?