
Responses from markpao

The issue of lowballing... What does that mean?
Simple. The seller doesn't want to sell for a bargain price and doesn't want to deal with lowballers. So why don't you just respect his wishes and just move on. 
How to protect against burglary
"Smith and Wesson etc type signs motivate, not discorage, thiefs."IMO, I don't think so. Thief's generally don't want confrontation. They want an easy, quick steal.Just make up some phony alarm signs and attach them to the front of your house. 
You're not trying to get out of treating me to dinner are you (McDonalds, remember)? LOLI actually haven't hooked it into my Zu's yet. I have it on my "must do" list, before my son takes it away. I think I read somewhere that you can feed these De... 
Warren,Listening to some Coltrane right now and on the laptop. Life couldn't be better. Anyway, if you're up to it, I'll cart my (sons soon to be when he moves into his condo) Forte Model 3 class A amp down when I visit you. 
Best High Efficiency Speakers for full bass tone
Price range? My Zu Definition 4's will pump out about as much bass you'll ever need and the high efficiency should fill that room just fine. Buconero117,K horns down to 20 Hz? I had those speakers for over 20 years and always struggled to get any ... 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Phil,While were on the subject of KR tubes, have you heard the KR 845? And if so what is your opinion on the KR 845 vs. (my current) Shuguang 845B. What would I expect for the additional cost? Thanks 
How can do you extend the life of your tubes?
Ghosthouse,My Hickok 539C does have provisions for a "Life Test". This setting reduces the filament voltage by 10%. In this setting the mutual conductance is not supposed to drop more than 20% compared to the "normal" setting. I'm no expert here, ... 
Lay away purchase
Update;Well I just closed an "unpaid item case" on the buyer. Promises to forward the first installment never happened. 
Want too buy a sansui G9000DB
Guys, amyvette just joined yesterday. Let her/ him get to know the site a bit. 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Phil,I want to thank you very much for that excellent explanation. And all that you have provided for all us Zu fans."Carpet makes both of these objectives difficult unless your spikes are fully penetrating through the carpet and underlay to firml... 
Another audio dealer bites the dust
Tmsorosk, where do you live. I'm packing as we speak. 
Gone are the days of the great audition.
I used Mapmans (number one) suggestion for all my gear except for speakers. I would be hesitant to buy (used) speakers that need to be shipped. Big time chances of shipping damage unless strapped to a pallet and freight used instead of ground. IMO... 
Zu Druid & Definition Roundup
Phil, you wrote "my first consideration is in slashing mechanical energy put into the floor, transmitted through it and into the rack or floor-mounted gear, affecting adjacent component performance. You might think, for example, that changing out ... 
Where Can I Get Custom Made Foam for Speaker Box?
I use that spray foam often and will suggest to you, no warn you, not to use it. It gets on everything unless you are experienced with using it (even then it always seems to get on something). And like Swampwalker says, it always expands way more ... 
Switching preamps in and out
Elizabeth got it right. I find it difficult to switch from albums to CD's (and vice versa) in one listening session. The first source always sounds better than the second one.