Responses from mashif
Speaker Cable Mogami 3103 | |
Can you use both RCA and XLR interconnects into the amplifier? I would be careful. My Parasound A23+ has both inputs and a switch but I don't think they're isolated. When I accidentally put the switch in the wrong position, sound still comes through but a different level. Yours may be different. | |
Best for Classic/Progressive Rock and Blues Vintage JBLs like 4311, 4312, and many in the L series can be found for $6-800. If they're all original and in good condition,they will fulfill your wishes. | |
Is positive reinforcement why things are sounding better? +1 @baylinor | |
Going Tubing +1 LTA Microzotl. I bought a used MZ2 and couldn't be happier. I was lucky in getting one of the last ones made, and the circuit board looks more like the MZ3. It's just a beautiful open sound, amplified by a SS amp. It's my first foray into tube ... | |
AES Video "What Does 'Accurate' Even Mean? with James D. "jj" Johnston Great thoughts. Having been to many AES conventions, there are always good sessions about home listening. I especially like his idea of a threshold of quality and head movement. The psychoacoustics issues fascinate me. | |
In-Room responce measurement with Legacy Focus SE speakers What @erik_squires said. Room reflections are distortion. | |
Lowend amp The Parasound A23+ is in your price range. Damping factor >800. Class A/AB 160w@8ohms. | |
The Midnight Effect - Who-How? I "warm up" my ears before seriously listening. I start at very low volume while "getting my head together". I allow my brain to "tune in" to whatever is on at that volume until I can hear details and depth. At some point the "switch gets flipped"... | |
The real truth about recordings @budjoe +1 | |
The real truth about recordings @soix That's how I feel about sausage. I just want it to taste good. But tasty sounding recordings are something I want to know more about. | |
SEEKING ADVICE: Which component would you upgrade first? If you want more modern electronics, look at Rotel. Modestly priced, good quality, and nice features in their integrated amps. | |
The real truth about recordings @mahgister 🙂 | |
A little test I always thought it was a keyboard, sample or synth. It's Sailing... | |
You don't lack bass, you have too much treble @curiousjim I also have a sensitivity around those frequencies where trumpets, sax, and certain guitar notes sound annoyingly loud. Less toe in did make a big difference as does room treatment. That frequency is typically around 2-3k and unfortu... |