
Responses from matchstikman

Is 2 channel dead?
OUCH!! This hobby isn't cheap. I just thought I would ask cuz I was wondering, but you guys have put me in my place. Funny thing is that I remember a friend of mine back in high school that spent the entire salary he made during summer vacation to... 
High efficiency speakers vs Low, pros and cons
Richardmr, from my humble knowledge and experience, I would have to agree with Von Schweikert on there answer. Your amp and speakers will probably sound simply fabulous. 
High efficiency speakers vs Low, pros and cons
I have been researching Amps and Speaker for the last few months and I would like to pass along some info here. High efficiency does not necessarily equal high sensitivity. A high sensitivity speaker may still not be efficient and it might require... 
Question about tube friendly speakers...
Audiogoners, hypothetically, based on specs alone, are the specs I provided on the speakers enough to make a theory-based choice on speakers? If not, what more is needed? Say this info will be used to build a short list of speakers to be auditione... 
DVD-A through 2 channel setup experiment
Voodoochile, a polished turd is a polished turd. Even if it is their worst recording, it is still a comparison of oranges to oranges and in this case the CD orange sounds better than the DVD-A orange. I actually think that the Remaster/Remix sound... 
PC for small IEC socket...
I have seen the that adaptor, but I thought that maybe a cable, attached to another cable, might hurt more than help. I don't know. Has anyone tried this adaptor? 
Is there a cable that can warm up my sound?
Charlie, my speakers are B&W, DM602 monitors and to be honest, I can't say they have been the tops in warmth. I am thinking that the upgrade of DAC might have brought the brightest to a new high. 
HELP: Bel Canto DAC and my cables aren't working..
I contacted Bel Canto and they suggested that I leave the DAC and the source on at all times. 
HELP: Bel Canto DAC and my cables aren't working..
Thanks for the help. I powered down everything and powered it up and now the DAC is accepting all my cables. I am thinking that the Bel Canto needs to synch up with my other components. Everything works fine now, but I am still going to contact Be... 
Round 2: Tubes amps, no ss discussion
Cellorover,I see that your minis are 85db and I believe the MV60 is 55wpc. I am considering getting an MV60 myself and matching it with Vandersteen 2Ce at 86db, but I have been wondering if the MV60 can successfully drive a speaker with that low o... 
Best Live Recordings:Performance and recording
Grand Funk Railroad - Bosnia. The sound is great on this CD. Also, you can tell the musicianship of the players has matured over the past 30 years. Compare it to the Live album released in 71 and you can see a day and night difference. 
250 watts: why so much power?
Mgottlieb, can you expand on what you consider to be efficient and inefficient? Where does the line cross?How loud do you "high powered" guys listen to music? How big are your rooms? 
Help: Searching for Vandersteen-like speakers...
Bigtee, I currently use B&W DM602 speakers which I think sound damn good, but they only go as low as 52hz. Because of this I use a subwoofer, but I have to set the subwoofer crossover to high to capture all of the range and there is my problem... 
Help: Searching for Vandersteen-like speakers...
Bigtee, I have a pretty good tube pre-amp that I really like already, so what would you consider a good SS amp to go with the tube pre-amp? For clarifications sake, the Vandersteen is not the end-all of choices for me, but it was my reference poin... 
Help: Searching for Vandersteen-like speakers...
Phasecorrect, I really like the tube sound. I already started a thread about finding a SS amp with a tube sound and the ending result seem to be that there is really no such thing; close, but no cigar. However, are you suggesting that it is possib...