

Responses from michaellent

What phono preamp are you using?
I haven’t read all of the posts yet but I will. I’m using a SoundSmith ”The Voice”. Both my phono pre my preamp are from Aric Audio. His really nice tube equipment w/ Zu Soul Supreme  speakers. It sounds incredible! Best wishes to our friend Peter... 
Help my analog sound as good as my streaming
Go for the cartridge! I have a Project EVO carbon 10. I now use a Sound Smith cartridge. Had the Grace F9e. They are similar in design. Peter worked with Sumiko/Ortofon to help them develop phono cartridges years ago. Find one in your budget. You ... 
Magico Customer service
Oops. Got mixed up on who is who. MC has that Einstein. But all of what I said above applies to both of you. 
Magico Customer service
So it’s MASTER Kenjit now?  Truely rich!  Bwahhh! That is just over the top, even for Kenjit.  I’m mostly a lurker here and have been for quite some time.  I had to respond to that. When I see you’re ‘Thinking Einstein’ I go onto the next poster. ... 
How eclectic is your taste in music?
 Amadeus to Zappa.  
purchasing US made speakers
 You will need a subwoofer with the Zuml 
purchasing US made speakers
HiI just turned 70 in April. I bought ZU Audio speakers. I tried out the Omen MK II ($1,900).  They have a 100% return policy for a “try-out” You’ll pay only shipping + upgrade difference to upgrade. I liked the Omen’s enough to invest another $28... 
Really need some help finding a full range speaker
+1 ianrodger. ZU:  I purchased ZU Omen Mk II,  3 months ago. I’m waiting for new Soul Supremes to arrive now at end of month. I do use a subwoofer They have an excellent trade in program. Check out the details on their website.  I got full purchas... 
Should people with no turntable or reel to reel be considered audiophiles?
WOW If that isn’t trolling what is?  I’m surprise so many took the bait 
WAF --
I have a man cave too. My spouse seldom visits.  When I buy a new piece of equipment I just wait for her to notice. Sometimes it’s a month or more. I just traded in ZU Omen MK2 for Soul supreme under their upgrade policy – nice policy, BTW. They a... 
Is VTA and SRA the same thing?
Go to soundsmith.comMr Lederman answers all of your questions in both written and video formats your choice.bent 
Most recordings you own by a single artist, group, or composer
ZAPPA. I have  more than 70 Zappa and a few related LPs.  (Flo and Eddie, grandmothers of invention....) Zappa released +/-100 albums before he passed. The family has released a lot more since then.I have more than one copy of walkajawaka, uncle m... 
What does a tonearm contribute to the sound of a turntable?
 ++millercarbon Wow! He  covered everything!   A REALLY important consideration is Cartridge Compliance and the Tonearm choice that MC mentioned above. A rigid arm requires a compliant cartridge!  Much more than 10. The more the better if using a ... 
Belles research?
Hi Voodoo:I Purchased the A100 amplifier and it’s complementary preamp in 1983, new.  I sold the amplifier about a year ago. It was still operational. I recently gave the preamp to my daughter after having the caps replaced. At the time it was a w... 
Moving coil VS moving magnet/iron
Oh yeah,  I forgot. Ortofon’s website shows how to make the calculation and meet the  resonant frequencies that will work for your cart/arm. I’m only saying this because I see different  cartridge manufacturer’s names being suggested. You will nee...