Always heard great words about this company, products.
I do on the other hand judge a company by their treatment of customers. Most companies do a 90 day or a 2-5 year warranty with fine print, under controlled use, not with damage to drivers or products (for which the company will make that decision)
im not bad mouthing any particular company, but a blanket on most manufacturers.
It is the manufacturers choice on the warranty, 1 year or etc,....
the company should cherish its customers, treat them well, for choosing to spend money on their products, regardless of price!!,
I had a few drams one night, and overpowered my speakers, one of the crossovers ceramic thingies (2” long, white, rectangular soldered think was black and fried on the crossover. I wrote the company, sent a picture, spoke on the phone with a tech a few times over about 5 days.
gave my address, name etc etc, model number,
kept calling, and being honest with them , spoke with another gentleman about the warranty and what had happened...
he appreciated my honesty, another couple phone calls, and a couple days later crossovers and tweeters showed up, free of charge. I wrote several handwritten letters to the company, and the people who I spoke with,..and sent emails as well to several of the people who helped me. It is THIS SERVICE which keeps me coming back (unfortunately the fine company was purchased and folded by the purchasing company).
When it comes to treating customers well, it should be paramount to their reputation and company rules.
I’ve always had issues trying to get any warranty work on %90 of my purchases as I’m sure most of you all have!?
Even the smallest receiver from well known companies treat you like the bubonic plague if you request warranty service.
I try to only purchase items from companies I know have a great track record. It is hard and almost not possible, but I’ve done pretty well in that dept.
companies should take the very best care of their customers.
For the negative Nancy’s - this is my opinion, and my experiences, I’m not dumping on any specific companies.